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Zoterodactyl to do list

willsALMANJ edited this page Feb 16, 2016 · 15 revisions
  1. Add options to some commands
  2. Allow add tags command to take a list of tags to add immediately
  3. Allow quickcopy to specify different export formats
  4. Consolidate some commands
  5. The various save item commands should be combined into one save item command with different options regarding attachments.
  6. While doing this, it is probably worth combining zotero_keys.js and zutilo_keys.js into one file and activating the Zutilo-only features only when Zutilo is enabled.
  7. Make key mappings optional with different levels of likely use
  • Status
  • Perhaps just three levels of mappings
  • Level 0 would be no mappings
  • Level 1 would be core functions like focusing and closing Zotero
  • Level 2 would be secondary functions like modifying attachment paths
  1. Add new commands
  2. Attach link to local file
  3. Look up on Google Scholar
  4. Fix some minor bugs (note: the first two apply to Zutilo as well)
  5. Allow focusing Zotero to focus the correct element the first time after start up (right now, it doesn't because it takes some time for Zotero to load and after loading Zotero focuses its search box, so even if Zoterodactyl sets the focus correctly it gets undone. To fix this, a way to tell when Zotero finishes loading needs to be found).
  6. Allow creating a new tag entry textbox to work on the first time after startup (right now, Firefox complains about some element not being defined when the tags pane is first focused).
  7. Generate a README for GitHub from the Pentadactyl documentation for Zoterodactyl.
  • Status

Tentative priorities (in order of importance with some easy less important things jumping ahead of harder more important things):

  • 1 (get options working but not 1.i or 1.ii)
  • 2.i
  • 4.i
  • 4.ii
  • 1.ii
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