This is adopted from OWL documentation using the multicast listener example here:
This is what's contained in this repository, there are 3 parts:
- il.c : Data logging and electricity usage automation on Raspberry Pi
- ilm.c : Everything il.c does + monitoring thread to power cycle OWL if timed out
- www : Website files for viewing the data logs with graphical representation
- pc.c : Runs on PC to automatically control BOINC according to electricity usage
Requirements for il.c:
- OWL Intuition Solar PV monitor
- Raspberry Pi (I used on version 1B, 3B and 4B, should work with all)
- Setup a RAMdisk at /var/ramdisk (
- Pimote and plugs from Energenie (see pc.c on how to comment out this part if you only want data logging)
- wiringPi library for RaspberryPi GPIO interactions (not needed for data logging)
Requirements for Raspbian Linux distro:
- Install lighttpd and php-cgi (sudo apt install)
- Create symbolic links as detailed in LINKS.txt
- For Raspberry Pi 4, install latest wiringPi: sudo dpkg -i wiringpi-252.deb (at time of writing, apt repo version is 2.50...
The dataflow for il.c and www parts on Raspberry Pi:
- Raspberry Pi is connected to my home network
- OWL Intuition broadcasts message on the home network everytime it gets a new reading.
- There is a listener program always running on RPi (the compiled ilm.c)
- The listener program in RPi captures the broadcast and does 2 things:
a. Decides whether there is any export and turns on Pimote sockets and send WakeOnLan PC
b. Records its state and current usage/generation/export information into a file on RAMdisk (/var/ramdisk) - Use any web browser navigate to RaspberryPi and see a graph and log files (/var/www)
- At night, a bash script is run to archive the log file and trim the live log file if it's too big ( Log files are archived at /home/pi/solar/log
A few things to note:
- The current log file will disappear if RPi power is interrupted. Use "sudo halt" command to safely shutdown RPi
- On RPi, there should be the following:
- 1 start up task: compiled ilm (or il) This is also done in solarlog-persist.service. However, the service requires customisation to work out of box on Raspbian
- 2 background scheduled tasks: at 23:59, solarlog-persist.service sync every hour
- 1 systemd using solarlog-persist.service, which runs solarlog-persist
- To build il.c, use the following command: gcc -lwiringPi -o il il.c
- To build ilm.c, use the following command: gcc -pthread -lwiringPi -o ilm ilm.c
- To build pc.c, no special command is needed, Linux or Cygwin environment recommended.
- Inside LINKS.TXT details the links required for the graph webpage
- The definition for log file columns are found near the end of C files
- Attempt has been made to keep similarity between il.c, ilm.c and pc.c so that the updates and bug fixes can be applied to both easily.