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Releases: xcube-dev/xcube


23 Mar 16:53
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0.8.0.dev4 Pre-release

Changes in 0.8.0.dev4 (in development)

  • Directory and S3 Data Store consider format of data denoted by data id when using get_opener_ids().
  • Fixed error with spatial_resolution when dumping dataset descriptor as json


23 Mar 15:18
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0.7.2.dev0 Pre-release

Changes in 0.7.2 (in development)

  • xcube gen2 now creates subsets from datasets returned by data stores that
    do not recognize cube subset parameters variable_names, bbox, and
    time_range. (#423)

  • Fixed a problem where S3 data store returned outdated bucket items. (#422)


19 Mar 17:03
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0.8.0.dev3 Pre-release

Changes in 0.8.0.dev3 (in development)

  • Fixed an error that caused that no bounding boxes could be retrieved with new_data_descriptor when no spatial resolution could be detected


19 Mar 16:17
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0.8.0.dev2 Pre-release

Changes in 0.8.0.dev2 (in development)

  • Fixed an error that caused that the temporal ranges and bounding boxes of could not be retrieved from the data arrays when using new_data_descriptor


19 Mar 13:56
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0.8.0.dev1 Pre-release

Changes in 0.8.0.dev1 (in development)

  • Changed behaviour and signature of
    The keyword argument include_titles: str = True has been replaced by
    include_attrs: Sequence[str] = None and the return value changes accordingly:
    • If include_attrs is None (the default), the method returns an iterator
      of dataset identifiers data_id of type str.
    • If include_attrs is a sequence of attribute names, the method returns
      an iterator of tuples (data_id, attrs) of type Tuple[str, Dict].
      Hence include_attrs can be used to obtain a minimum set of dataset
      metadata attributes for each returned data_id.
      However, include_attrs is not yet implemented so far in the "s3",
      "memory", and "directory" data stores. (#420)


17 Mar 07:14
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Changes in 0.7.1

  • Dataset normalisation no longer includes reordering increasing latitude coordinates, as this creates datasets that are no longer writable to Zarr. (#347)
  • Updated package requirements:
    • Added s3fs requirement that has been removed by accident.
    • Added missing requirements requests and urllib3.


05 Mar 14:32
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Changes in 0.7.0

  • Introduced abstract base class xcube.util.jsonschema.JsonObject which
    is now the super class of many classes that have JSON object representations.
    In Jupyter notebooks, instances of such classes are automatically rendered
    as JSON trees.
  • xcube gen2 CLI tool can now have multiple -v options, e.g. -vvv
    will now output detailed requests and responses.
  • Added new Jupyter notebooks in examples/notebooks/gen2
    for the data cube generators in the package xcube.core.gen2.
  • Fixed a problem in JsonArraySchema that occurred if a valid
    instance was None. A TypeError TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable was
    raised in this case.
  • The S3 data store now implements the describe_data() method.
    It therefore can also be used as a data store from which data is queried and read.
  • The xcube gen2 data cube generator tool has been hidden from
    the set of "official" xcube tools. It is considered as an internal tool
    that is subject to change at any time until its interface has stabilized.
    Please refer to xcube gen2 --help for more information.
  • Added coords property to DatasetDescriptor class.
    The data_vars property of the DatasetDescriptor class is now a dictionary.
  • Added chunks property to VariableDescriptor class.
  • Removed function reproject_crs_to_wgs84() and tests (#375) because
    • it seemed to be no longer be working with GDAL 3.1+;
    • there was no direct use in xcube itself;
    • xcube plans to get rid of GDAL dependencies.
  • CLI tool xcube gen2 may now also ingest non-cube datasets.
  • Fixed unit tests broken by accident. (#396)
  • Added new context manager xcube.util.observe_dask_progress() that can be used
    to observe tasks that known to be dominated by Dask computations:
    with observe_dask_progress('Writing dataset', 100):
  • The xcube normalisation process, which ensures that a dataset meets the requirements
    of a cube, internally requested a lot of data, causing the process to be slow and
    expensive in terms of memory consumption. This problem was resolved by avoiding to
    read in these large amounts of data. (#392)


05 Mar 12:37
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0.6.2.dev4 Pre-release

Changes in 0.6.2.dev4

  • Internal changes (do not include in final
    • Fixed de-serialisation of objects for additional_properties = True
    • Added VariableDescriptor.ndim property
    • Warn, if additional properties passed to ctors
    • Update of xcube generator NBs


04 Mar 17:49
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0.6.2.dev3 Pre-release

Changes in 0.6.2.dev3

  • Introduced abstract base class xcube.util.jsonschema.JsonObject which
    is now the super class of many classes that have JSON object representations.
    In Jupyter notebooks, instances of such classes are automatically rendered
    as JSON trees.
  • xcube gen2 CLI tool can now have multiple -v options, e.g. -vvv
    will now output detailed requests and responses.
  • Added new Juypter notebooks in examples/notebooks/gen2
    for the data cube generators in the package xcube.core.gen2.


02 Mar 17:24
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0.6.2.dev2 Pre-release

Changes in 0.6.2.dev2

  • Fixed a problem in JsonArraySchema that occurred if a valid
    instance was None. A TypeError TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable was
    raised in this case.