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Releases: xcube-dev/xcube


05 Aug 09:10
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0.8.2.dev2 Pre-release

Version update (due to wrongly released dev1)

Changes in 0.8.2 (in development)

  • Fixed the issue that xcube gen2 would not print tracebacks to stderr when raising
    CubeGeneratorErrors (#448).
  • Enhanced xcube.core.normalize.normalize_dataset() function to also normalize datasets with latitudes given as
    latitude_centers and to invert decreasing latitude coordinate values.
  • Introduced xcube.core.normalize.cubify_dataset() function to normalize a dataset
    and finally assert the result complies to the xcube dataset conventions.
  • Fixed that data stores directory and s3 were not able to handle data identifiers that they
    had assigned themselves during write_data(). (#450)
  • Pinned dependencies
    • dask =2021.3.1 because of memory leaks in versions >=2021.4
    • xarray =0.18.2 because a lot of tests fail with versions >= 0.19


05 Aug 09:47
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0.8.2.dev3 Pre-release

Changes in 0.8.2 (in development)

  • Fixed the issue that xcube gen2 would not print tracebacks to stderr when raising
    CubeGeneratorErrors (#448).
  • Enhanced xcube.core.normalize.normalize_dataset() function to also normalize datasets with latitudes given as
    latitude_centers and to invert decreasing latitude coordinate values.
  • Introduced xcube.core.normalize.cubify_dataset() function to normalize a dataset
    and finally assert the result complies to the xcube dataset conventions.
  • Fixed that data stores directory and s3 were not able to handle data identifiers that they
    had assigned themselves during write_data(). (#450)
  • Pinned dependencies
    • dask =2021.3.1 because of memory leaks in versions >=2021.4
    • xarray =0.18.2 because a lot of tests fail with versions >= 0.19
    • pandas >1.1,<1.3 because 1.3+ doesn't work with xarray < 0.19


02 Jul 12:26
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0.9.0.dev0 Pre-release

Changes in 0.9.0 (in development)

  • Added a new feature to xcube called "BYOA" - Bring your own Algorithm.
    It is a generic utility that allows for execution of user-supplied
    Python code in both local and remote contexts. (#467)
    The new xcube.core.byoa package hosts the BYOA implementation and API.
    The entry point to the functionality is the xcube.core.byoa.CodeConfig
    class. It is currently utilized by the xcube Cube Generator that can now
    deal with an optional code_config request parameter. If given,
    the generated data cube will be post-processed by the configured user-code.
    The xcube Cube Generator with the BYOA feature is made available through the
    1. Generator API xcube.core.gen2.LocalCubeGenerator and
    2. Generator CLI xcube gen2.
  • Added a new utility module xcube.util.temp that allows for creating
    temporary files and directories that will be deleted when the current
    process ends.


15 Jun 14:17
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0.8.2.dev0 Pre-release

Changes in 0.8.2 (in development)

  • Fixed the issue that xcube gen2 would not print tracebacks to stderr when raising
    CubeGeneratorErrors (#448).
  • Enhanced xcube.core.normalize.normalize_dataset() function to also normalize datasets with latitudes given as
    latitude_centers and to invert decreasing latitude coordinate values.
  • Introduced xcube.core.normalize.cubify_dataset() function to normalize a dataset
    and finally assert the result complies to the xcube dataset conventions.
  • Fixed that data stores directory and s3 were not able to handle data identifiers that they
    had assigned themselves during write_data(). (#450)


06 May 13:49
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Changes in 0.8.1

  • Improved support of datasets with time given as cftime.DatetimeGregorian
    or cftime.DatetimeJulian.

  • Fixed out-of-memory error raised if spatial subsets were created from
    cubes with large spatial dimensions. (#442)

  • Fixed example Notebook compute_dask_array and renamed it
    into compute_array_from_func. (#385)

  • Fixed a problem with the S3 data store that occurred if the store was
    configured without bucket_name and the (Zarr) data was opened
    with consolidated=True.

  • The functions xcube.core.compute.compute_cube() and xcube.core.compute.compute_dataset()
    can now alter the shape of input datasets. (#289)


27 Apr 15:14
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Changes in 0.8.0

  • Harmonized retrieval of spatial and temporal bounds of a dataset:
    To determine spatial bounds, use xcube.core.geom.get_dataset_bounds(),
    to determine temporal bounds, use xcube.core.timecoord.get_time_range_from_data().
    Both methods will attempt to get the values from associated bounds arrays first.
  • Fixed broken JSON object serialisation of objects returned by
    DataStore.describe_object(). (#432)
  • Changed behaviour and signature of
    The keyword argument include_titles: str = True has been replaced by
    include_attrs: Sequence[str] = None and the return value changes accordingly:
    • If include_attrs is None (the default), the method returns an iterator
      of dataset identifiers data_id of type str.
    • If include_attrs is a sequence of attribute names, the method returns
      an iterator of tuples (data_id, attrs) of type Tuple[str, Dict].
      Hence include_attrs can be used to obtain a minimum set of dataset
      metadata attributes for each returned data_id.
      However, include_attrs is not yet implemented so far in the "s3",
      "memory", and "directory" data stores. (#420)
  • Directory and S3 Data Store consider format of data denoted by data id when
    using get_opener_ids().
  • S3 Data Store will only recognise a consolidated = True parameter setting,
    if the file {bucket}/{data_id}/.zmetadata exists.
  • xcube gen2 will now ensure that temporal subsets can be created. (#430)
  • Enhance xcube serve for use in containers: (#437)
    • In addition to option --config or -c, dataset configurations can now
      be passed via environment variable XCUBE_SERVE_CONFIG_FILE.
    • Added new option --base-dir or -b to pass the base directory to
      resolve relative paths in dataset configurations. In addition, the value
      can be passed via environment variable XCUBE_SERVE_BASE_DIR.


14 Apr 09:09
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0.8.0.dev7 Pre-release

Changes in 0.8.0 (in development)

  • Fixed broken JSON object serialisation of objects returned by
    DataStore.describe_object(). (#432)
  • Changed behaviour and signature of
    The keyword argument include_titles: str = True has been replaced by
    include_attrs: Sequence[str] = None and the return value changes accordingly:
    • If include_attrs is None (the default), the method returns an iterator
      of dataset identifiers data_id of type str.
    • If include_attrs is a sequence of attribute names, the method returns
      an iterator of tuples (data_id, attrs) of type Tuple[str, Dict].
      Hence include_attrs can be used to obtain a minimum set of dataset
      metadata attributes for each returned data_id.
      However, include_attrs is not yet implemented so far in the "s3",
      "memory", and "directory" data stores. (#420)
  • Directory and S3 Data Store consider format of data denoted by data id when
    using get_opener_ids().
  • S3 Data Store will only recognise a consolidated = True parameter setting,
    if the file {bucket}/{data_id}/.zmetadata exists.
  • xcube gen2 will now ensure that temporal subsets can be created. (#430)


07 Apr 11:42
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Changes in 0.7.2

  • xcube gen2 now allows for specifying the final data cube's chunk
    sizes. The new cube_config parameter is named chunks, is optional
    and if given, must be a dictionary that maps a dimension name to a
    chunk size or to None (= no chunking). The chunk sizes only apply
    to data variables. Coordinate variables will not be affected, e.g.
    "time", "lat", "lon" will not be chunked. (#426)

  • xcube gen2 now creates subsets from datasets returned by data stores that
    do not recognize cube subset parameters variable_names, bbox, and
    time_range. (#423)

  • Fixed a problem where S3 data store returned outdated bucket items. (#422)


24 Mar 17:53
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0.8.0.dev6 Pre-release

S3 Data Store will only recognise a consolidated = True parameter setting, if the file {bucket}/{data_id}/.zmetadata exists.


24 Mar 08:56
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0.8.0.dev5 Pre-release

Changes in 0.8.0.dev5 (in development)

  • S3 Data Store's get_type_specifier_for_data returns a tuple of strings now, as specified by the interface
  • S3 Data Store's has_data will not throw an exception when a type specifier is given as parameter