This repository contains a demo application and scripts about how to deploy it to Azure Kubernetes cluster.
Note: Should run commands in a Azure cloud PowerShell
$subscriptionid = 'ee6c4145-f2fc-4366-bca4-1a38775414f3'
$aksClusterName = 'xfakseuwe01'
$aksClusterResourceGroup = 'xfakseuwe01'
$nodeCount = '1'
$resourceGroupLocation = 'westeurope'
$acrName = 'xfacr01'
$sku = 'basic'
az login
# Change subscription
az account set --subscription $subscriptionid
# Confirm subscription
az account show --output table
# Create resource group
az group create `
--location $resourceGroupLocation `
--name $aksClusterResourceGroup
# Create the service principle
$svcPrincipleName = $aksClusterName + 'SvcPrinciple'
$svcPrinciple = (az ad sp create-for-rbac --skip-assignment --name $svcPrincipleName | ConvertFrom-Json)
Write-Host $svcPrinciple
# Create AKS
az aks create `
--name $aksClusterName `
--resource-group $aksClusterResourceGroup `
--node-count $nodeCount `
--service-principal $svcPrinciple.appId `
--client-secret $svcPrinciple.password
# --generate-ssh-keys `
#install bicep to view the ARM template in simple language
az bicep install
az group create --name asadaks --location westeurope
az Deployment group create -f template.json -g asadaks --parameters managedClusters_xfakseuwe01_name=asadaks
#just to show the bicep code file
az bicep decompile --file template.json
# Create ACR
az acr create `
--name $acrName `
--resource-group $aksClusterResourceGroup `
--sku $sku `
--location $resourceGroupLocation
# Confirm ACR created
az acr list --output table
$acrId = az acr show `
--name $acrName `
--resource-group $aksClusterResourceGroup `
--query "id" `
--output tsv
az role assignment create `
--assignee $svcPrinciple.appId `
--role Reader `
--scope $acrId
az aks update-credentials `
--name $aksClusterName `
--resource-group $aksClusterResourceGroup `
--reset-service-principal `
--service-principal $svcPrinciple.appId `
--client-secret $svcPrinciple.password
az aks list --resource-group $aksClusterResourceGroup
docker images
cd <Path to solution of AksTest>
# Run in the directory where the code is
dotnet build
# Create the image
cd AksTestFrontend
docker build . -t xinfli/akstestfrontend:dev
cd ..\AksTestBackend
docker build . -t xinfli/akstestbackend:dev
# Start docker
cd ..
docker run -p 8081:80 `
--name AksTest_Backend `
-e Options__FrontendApiEndpoint=http://localhost:8082/api/Message/SendMessage `
# Parameter below can be added for debugging
docker run -p 8082:80 `
--name AksTest_Frontend `
Note: Should run commands in a local PowerShell
$acrName = 'xfacr01'
# Its a cli on the docker login command
az acr login --name $acrName
# Check the login server
az acr list --output table
# List the repositories in the acr
az acr repository list --name $acrName
# Show all local images
docker image list
# Tag image
docker tag xinfli/akstestbackend:dev
# Show updated local images
docker image list
# Push image to new created acr
docker push
docker image list
docker tag xinfli/akstestfrontend:dev
docker image list
docker push
az acr repository list -n $acrName -o table
$subscriptionid = "ee6c4145-f2fc-4366-bca4-1a38775414f3"
$aksClusterResourceGroup = "xfakseuwe01"
$aksClusterName = "xfakseuwe01"
$acrName = "xfacr01"
# Login
az account set --subscription $subscriptionid
az account show
az acr login --name $acrName
# Getting credentials from AKS into the kubectl environment.
az aks get-credentials --resource-group $aksClusterResourceGroup --name $aksClusterName
kubectl config get-contexts
# Create namespace
kubectl create -f .\deployToAks\aks-namespace.yaml
kubectl get namespace
kubectl get services
# Deploy frontend and backend application
# Question: How to get frontend node IP address and apply it to backend?
kubectl apply -f .\deployToAks\deploy-backend.yaml --namespace=aksdemo
kubectl apply -f .\deployToAks\deploy-frontend.yaml --namespace=aksdemo
kubectl get pods -o wide
kubectl proxy
kubectl get pods -n aksdemo
kubectl get deployments
kubectl get deployments -n aksdemo
kubectl get nodes
az aks nodepool add `
--resource-group $aksClusterResourceGroup `
--cluster-name $aksClusterName `
--name nodepool1 `
--labels service=backend
az aks nodepool list `
--resource-group $aksClusterResourceGroup `
--cluster-name $aksClusterName
kubectl get nodes
kubectl label node <Get node name from previous step> service=backend
#kubectl show label
kubectl describe node <Get node name from previous step>
kubectl apply -f .\deployToAks\deploy-backend.yaml
az aks enable-addons --resource-group $aksClusterResourceGroup --name $aksClusterName -a kube-dashboard
#Verticle scaling will add more nodes to the cluster
kubectl get nodes
#adding nodes this may take some time
az aks update --resource-group xfakseuwe01 --name xfakseuwe01 --enable-cluster-autoscaler --min-count 2 --max-count 5
cd ..\AksTraining\k8s-general\
#applying the deployment file
kubectl apply -f nginx.yaml
kubectl get deployments
kubectl get deployments nginx-deployment
kubectl get pods
$SERVICEIP=(kubectl get service nginx -o jsonpath='{ .status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip }')
#see the service in the browser
Start-Process http://$SERVICEIP
kubectl get pods -o wide
kubectl get deployments nginx-deployment
#auto scale the pods
kubectl autoscale deployment nginx-deployment --cpu-percent=50 --min=2 --max=5
#this may take sometime to appear
kubectl get pods
# Manually upgrade our cluster
$RG= "xfakseuwe01"
$aksName= "xfakseuwe01"
$Region= "westeurope"
az aks show -n $aksName -g $RG -o table
az aks get-versions -l $Region -o table
az aks get-upgrades -n $aksName -g $RG -o table
kubectl get nodes
#this will only upgrade the control place
az aks upgrade -n $aksName -g $RG --kubernetes-version 1.18.17 --control-plane-only
#this will update all the nodes
az aks upgrade -n $aksName -g $RG --kubernetes-version 1.18.17
kubectl get nodes
az aks get-upgrades -n $aksName -g $RG -o table