This is a project that provides a shellcode runner along with various examples of shellcodes for educational purposes. The shellcodes are based on x86_64 architechture
- Shellcode Runner: A tool to execute shellcodes.
- Shellcode Examples: A collection of shellcodes for demonstration and learning.
To get started with the shellcode runner, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Install the necessary dependencies:
apt install binutils make gcc nasm
- Build the runner and the shellcodes
- Run the shellcode runner with the shellcode you want:
./runner shellcodes/build/bin_sh.bin
$ ./runner shellcodes/build/bin_sh.bin
[+] Opened shellcode file: shellcodes/build/bin_sh.bin
[+] Allocated 43 bytes for shellcode at 0x7fff85ff1060
[+] Read shellcode from file
[+] Mapped 43 bytes for shellcode at 0x7fff85ff1058 with 7 PROT
$ echo "Hello, world"
Hello, world
$ exit