This project contains the code to solve the three Data Analytics exercises proposed against the Last FM dataset. Unfortunately, I ran out of time so I could not finish my original idea, which was running the Spark code in AWS Glue ETL and generate the different results on S3 buckets.
At the moment, there are two separated source codes that due to lack of time, they don't work together.
IaC solution using Cloudformation and Sceptre that works by itself what deploys the following:
- Necessary IAM roles
- AWS Glue Database
- AWS Glue ETL job
- AWS Athena Named Queries for the Athena tables generation
PySpark scripts. Lack of time stopped me from moving the two first exercises to Dataframes. I consider them more efficient for that purpose.
- Level1: working solution based on RDDs.
- Level2: working solution based on RDDs.
- Level3: working solution based on Dataframes.
- /config: sceptre environment config to deploy the Cloudformation templates
- /glue_scripts: Glue ETL script for a basic transformation.
- / PySpark scripts for the three exercises
- /templates: Cloudformation template for the deployment of the ETL solution
These are the necessary parameters to deploy this project, they are in the /config/test/config.yaml
project_code: name of the project and cloudformation stack
region: AWS region to deploy this project
creator: email address of the creator of the deployment (used for resource tagging)
BKScripts: S3 bucket that holds the Glue ETL scripts
BKLanding: S3 bucket that hold the folders with the raw data coming from Last FM. This bucket needs to be set up prior the deployment.
BKRefined: S3 bucket that holds the results once the Glue ETL process has finished.
The deployment process only needs Sceptre version 2.x. The actual deployment process is started with the sceptre create test