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05/10/2017 does not work anymore :(, since the addition of a captcha on the login page


This API allows you to query the servers Sony Playstation Network to retrieve data on their PSN account, these trophies, those friends. This API is based on a reverse engineer work on the Android application.


  • Valid PSN account


  • User account data
  • Friend list
  • trophy list
  • player profile(depends on users privacy)
  • add/del friend
  • block/unblock profile
  • retrieved/send message


The api is limited at 100 requests on 15 minutes. This limitation is imposed by the PSN servers


Duid is an unique id use by Sony to distinguish the devices. He is based on device manufacturer name and mac address. You can find classes in package package com.xseillier.psnapi.duid, all you need to create an duid id fake

Change log

*0.3 beta

*0.2 beta * add/del friend * block / unblock profile

*0.1 beta initial version


0.3 Beta



  • add more doc


public static void main(String[] args) {
		String oPsnLogin    = "your login";
		String oPsnPassword = "your password";
		//create duid id
		MacAddressGenerator oMacAddressGenerator  = new  MacAddressGenerator();
    	AndroidDevice oAndroidDevice = new AndroidDeviceGenerator().getRandomAndroidDevice();   
    	AndroidDuidGenerator oDuidGen = new AndroidDuidGenerator();   
        String oDuid =oDuidGen.generateDuid( oAndroidDevice, oMacAddressGenerator.generateMacAddressWithRealPrefix() );
        //create PsnContext
		PsnContext oPsnContext = new PsnContext( oDuid );
		//instantiation of Psn Api
		//  PsnApiImpl.NO_RATE_LIMIT_CONTROL for simple test else used PsnApiImpl.DEFAULT_RATE_LIMIT
		PsnApi oPSNApi = new PsnApiImpl( oPsnContext, PsnApiImpl.NO_RATE_LIMIT_CONTROL );
		try {
			//login on PlayStation Network
			oPSNApi.login(oPsnLogin, oPsnPassword);			
		    //get account information
			User oUser = oPSNApi.getAccountInformation();		
			System.out.println("Your online id is : " + oUser.getOnlineId() );
			ProfileParam oProfileParam = ProfileParamFactory.create( ProfileParamFactory.FULL_PROFILE );
			FriendList oFriendListResponse;
			List<FriendProfile> oFriendList = new ArrayList<>();
			//retriveid friend list from offset 0
			FriendPagination oNext = new FriendPagination( 0 );
			while( oNext != null ) {		
				oFriendListResponse = oPSNApi.getFriendList( oUser.getOnlineId(), oProfileParam, oNext );
				oNext = oFriendListResponse.getNextPagination();
				oFriendList.addAll( oFriendListResponse.getFriendList() );
			System.out.println("List of your Friends : " );
			for( FriendProfile oProfile: oFriendList ) {
				System.out.print( oProfile.getOnlineId()  );
				if( oProfile.getPresence() != null ) {
					if( oProfile.getPresence().getPrimaryInfo().getOnlineStatus() == PresenceEnum.ONLINE ) {
						System.out.print(" is online on " + oProfile.getPresence().getPrimaryInfo().getPlatform().getData() );
						if( oProfile.getPresence().getPrimaryInfo().getGameTitleInfo() != null ) {
							System.out.print(" and play to " + oProfile.getPresence().getPrimaryInfo().getGameTitleInfo().getTitleName()  + "\n\tgame status : " + oProfile.getPresence().getPrimaryInfo().getGameStatus() );
					} else if( oProfile.getPresence().getPrimaryInfo().getOnlineStatus() == PresenceEnum.STANDBY ) {
						System.out.println(" is standby." );
					else {
						System.out.println(" is offline.");
			DiscussionPagination oDiscussionPagination = new DiscussionPagination( 0 );
			DiscussionList oDiscussionList = oPSNApi.getDiscussionList(oUser.getOnlineId(), DiscussionParamFactory.create( DiscussionParamFactory.GET_DISCUSSION_LIST ), oDiscussionPagination );	
			DiscussionParam oDiscussionParam = DiscussionParamFactory.create( DiscussionParamFactory.GET_DISCUSSION );
			while( oDiscussionPagination != null ) {
				oDiscussionList = oPSNApi.getDiscussionList(oUser.getOnlineId(), DiscussionParamFactory.create( DiscussionParamFactory.GET_DISCUSSION_LIST ), oDiscussionPagination );		
				oDiscussionPagination = oDiscussionList.getNextPagination();
				for( MessageGroup oMessageGroup:  oDiscussionList.getMessageGroups() ) {
					System.out.println( "===============================================================================" );
					List<Long> oMessageUidList = new ArrayList<>();
					System.out.print( "Member in discussion : ");
					for( Member oMember : oMessageGroup.getMessageGroupDetail().getMembers() ){
						System.out.print(  oMember.getOnlineId() + " " );
						if( oMember.getOnlineId().equals("conan_hk" ) ){
							oPSNApi.addMessageToDiscussion(oMessageGroup.getMessageGroupId(), "Hello from PSN API (", new File("c:/temp/github.jpg") );
					//send message to discussion
					oPSNApi.addMessageToDiscussion(oMessageGroup.getMessageGroupId(), "Hello from PSN API (" );
					//send message to discussion with image
					//oPSNApi.addMessageToDiscussion(oMessageGroup.getMessageGroupId(), "Hello from PSN API (", new File("<IMAGE PATH>")  );
					Discussion oDiscussion = oPSNApi.getDiscussion( oDiscussionParam, oMessageGroup.getMessageGroupId() );
					for(Message oMessage : oDiscussion.getMessages() ) {
						System.out.println( "\tMessage from " + oMessage.getSenderOnlineId() );
						System.out.println( "\t\tDate : " + oMessage.getReceivedDate() );
						System.out.println( "\t\tRead : " + ( ( oMessage.isSeenFlag() )?"Yes":"No" ) );
						System.out.println( "\t\tUid  : " + oMessage.getMessageUid() );
						System.out.println( "\t\tBody : " + oMessage.getBody() );	
						if( !oMessage.isSeenFlag() ) {
							oMessageUidList.add( oMessage.getMessageUid() );
					if( oMessageUidList.size() > 0 ) {
						//mark message(s) as read
						oPSNApi.markMessageAsSeen(oMessageUidList, oMessageGroup.getMessageGroupId() );
		catch (LoginException e) {
			System.out.println("Login Error " + e.getMessage() );
		catch (IOException e) {
			System.out.println("Unknown Error " + e.getMessage() );
		catch(AccessDeniedByPrivacyLevelException adbple ) {
			System.out.println( "Access denied by privacy level exception" );
		catch( RateLimitExceededException rle ){
			System.out.println("Rate Limit error"  );		
		catch (PsnErrorException e) {
			System.out.println( e.getPsnError().getCode() + " - " + e.getPsnError().getMessage() );