This is a tool for transforming a model trained with Keras into a Tensorflow Protocol Buffers (.pb). And optimize it for using it with the module Dnn of OpenCV.
Save your trained keras model to a .json. This will store the arquitecture of your model but not the weigths. You can use the following code for that:
model_json = my_model.to_json()
with open('keras_model.json', "w") as json_file:
Also we will need to store the weigths, for this we will have to store in a .h5 file. Keras offer us a simpel way of doing this:my_model.save_weights('keras_model.h5')
Once we have both the model arquitecture (as a .json) and the wiegths (as a .h5), we will run the folliwing code on terminal: (Try $ python -h
for other input arguments.)
$ python --input_model keras_model.json --input_weigths keras_model.h5 --output_dir result/ --output_name tensorflow_model.pb
This will generate a .pb version of our model that is optimized for inference that will be able to be use with OpenCV Dnn module.
You can implement the model with OpenCV python as follows:
import cv2
# load model
net = cv.dnn.readNetFromTensorflow(<path_to_.pb_file>)
# load a sample image
image = cv2.imread(<path_to_sample_image>)
# this will resize your sample image to input size that is required by your model (W, H)
# and can perform a mean substraction of (mean0, mean1, mean2) for normalzing it.
blob = cv2.dnn.blobFromImage(image, 1, (W, H), (mean0, mean1, mean2))
# set the blob as input to the network and perform a forward-pass to
# obtain our output classification
preds = net.forward()
# sort the indexes of the probabilities in descending order (higher first) and get the first
idx = np.argsort(preds[0])[0]
# print the prediction label and probability
print "Label: {}, {:.2f}%".format(idx, preds[0][idx] * 100)
- Keras
- Tensorflow
- h5py
- argparse