I am a software developer experienced in creating user-centric, modern web applications using JavaScript and PHP. My interests lie in web and desktop applications. I keep up with the latest technological developments and strive to contribute to the open-source world. Feel free to contact me about anything.
- Language: JavaScript, PHP
- JavaScript: Next.js, Node.js, Electron.js, React Native
- Style: MUI, Ant Design, Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap
- DevOps: Docker, Jenkins
- Test: Cypress, Storybook, Jest
π Youtube Popularity Score | Chrome Extension
A plugin that rates the popularity of YouTube videos. https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/youtube-popularity-score/epejdmigffebgafpjociinhoefdahgpb |
π Github Visitor Stats
Web tool that shows how many users visited your GitHub profile during the day. https://githubvisitorstats.com/ |
π¨π»βπ³ Bolmenu
Bolmenu is an artificial intelligence-supported QR menu software. https://bolmenu.com/ |