This library is used to connect CC2500 RF Module (Texas Instruments) with Arduino. This library is tested on Arduino UNO. Packet Transmission is used (Variable Packet Length).
Arduino Pin (4) -> CC2500 Pin (6) [GDO0]
Arduino Pin (13) [SCK] -> CC2500 Pin (1) [SCLK]
Arduino Pin (12) [MISO] -> CC2500 Pin (20) [SI]
Arduino Pin (11) [MOSI] -> CC2500 Pin (2) [SO]
Arduino Pin (10) [SS] -> CC2500 Pin (7) [CSn]
Arduino Pin (3.3V) -> CC2500 [VCC]
Arduino Pin (GND) -> CC2500 [GND]
Sync word qualifier mode = 30/32 sync word bits detected
CRC autoflush = false
Channel spacing = 199.951172
Data format = Normal mode
Data rate = 2.39897
RX filter BW = 203.125000
Preamble count = 4
Whitening = false
Address config = No address check
Carrier frequency = 2432.999908
Device address = 0
TX power = 0
Manchester enable = false
CRC enable = true
Deviation = 38.085938
Packet length mode = Variable packet length mode. Packet length configured by the first byte after sync word
Packet length = 255
Modulation format = 2-FSK
Base frequency = 2432.999908
Modulated = true
Channel number = 0