- Morocco
recast-navigation-js Public
Forked from isaac-mason/recast-navigation-jsJavaScript navigation mesh construction, path-finding, and spatial reasoning toolkit. WebAssembly port of Recast Navigation.
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedDec 16, 2024 -
three.js Public
Forked from oncyberio/three.jsJavaScript 3D Library.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedAug 30, 2023 -
focused Public
Yet another Optics library in JavaScript. Based on the famous lens library from Haskell. Wrapped in a convenient Proxy interface
snabbdom-todomvc Public
TodoMVC using snabbdom and Elm architecture
aos Public
Some old tutorials I wrote back on 2006 on develpping a Linux style OS Kernel
factory Public
Forked from oncyberio/factorySmart contracts for Cyber Destinations (spaces digital artists and collectors can use to showcase their NFTs)
TypeScript UpdatedNov 18, 2021 -
gatsby-starter-blog Public template
Forked from gatsbyjs/gatsby-starter-blogGatsby starter for creating a blog
JavaScript BSD Zero Clause License UpdatedJun 4, 2021 -
Companion code for https://bit.ly/2WCoR0f
adtstream Public
Streams built using Algebraic Data Types (ADT) and Pure FP (Haskell like) code
mobx-static-dom Public
Dynamic UI using static DOM and mobx
algebraic-effects.js Public
Implementation of Algebraic effects (https://bit.ly/2Mo7w3Q) based on Generators
avenir Public
Lightweight async library based on lazy futures
elm-arch-with-snabbdom Public
Elm architecture examples with JavaScript/JSX using Snabbdom
js-framework-benchmark Public
Forked from krausest/js-framework-benchmarkA comparison of the perfomance of a few popular javascript frameworks
HTML Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 21, 2017 -
cfrp Public
Attempt to implement (a subset) of [Classic FRP](http://conal.net/papers/icfp97/)
redux-tower Public
Forked from kuy/redux-towerSaga powered routing engine for Redux app.
JavaScript UpdatedDec 27, 2016 -
redux-observable Public
Forked from redux-observable/redux-observableRxJS middleware for action side effects in Redux using "Epics"
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedDec 23, 2016 -
hareactive Public
Forked from funkia/hareactivePure FRP library for the web.
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedOct 11, 2016 -
mobx Public
Forked from mobxjs/mobxSimple, scalable state management.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 29, 2016 -
friend-list Public
Forked from DerekCuevas/friend-listA non-trivial (yet simple) redux + react-router example problem.