This is a rails inspired golang framework that uses Hacker News style article submission, comments, and voting in its demo app RemoteRenters.
Look at main.go to see how to use feedback.
Our sample app is live at
r.Paths = map[string]func(*Context, string, string){}
r.Paths["models"] = handleModels
r.Paths["sessions"] = handleSessions
r.Paths["users"] = handleUsers
r.Paths["about"] = handleAbout
This is the heart of the routing code. You can have three levels of:
That's why each top level path takes a func with two strings.
Some of the paths you get built in to feedback like sessions
and users
since every app will need that logic.
But notice in main.go how this app adds more routes.
func HandleSomething(c *router.Context, second, third string) {
if second == "" {
c.SendContentInLayout("something_index.html", nil, 200)
} else if third != "" {
c.NotFound = true
} else {
c.NotFound = true
Each controller has a HandleSomething func like this.