A Discord
clone, carried out with React
, Express
, NodeJs
, Socket.io
, Mongoose
, MongoDB
, and styled with Sass
- I can register a new account
- I can log in
- I can sign out
- I can see my profile details
- I can edit my details including : name, bio, phone and password.
- I can delete my account
- I can reset my password with email validation
- I receive an email when I create or delete my account
- By default, I am in the Welcome channel
- I can create a new channel with a name and a description
- I can select a channel of my choice
- When I select a channel, I am added as a member
- I can see members of the channel
- I can see online members of the channel
- I can send, edit, delete and receive messages instantly
- I see when someone is writing
- I can see other people's messages
The project is hosted by Heroku
. You can test it by clicking on the link above, in the Github
about section. With the hope that, some one will find something interesting in this repository, it was your unknown friend !😉