- Quick reference project.
- This is the old retail case study before it was re implemented with apache Spark.
- Uses the Cloudera Quickstart 5.13.0 VM to run.
- Find total Promotion sales generated on weekdays and weekends for each region, year & month
- Find the most popular promotion which generated highest sales in each region
- a. Load retail data from food_mart database into MySQL.
- b. Extract following columns from Promotion table in Food mart DB using SQOOP.
PromotionID, Promotion Name, Promotion Cost
- c. Extract following columns from Sales_Fact_1997 & Sales_Fact_1998 tables in Food mart DB using SQOOP.
Region_id, ProductID, StoreID, PromotionID, Store Sales, the_day (day of week), the_month, the_year
- a. Use the file loaded from Sqoop as input
- b. In the Mapper Class, filter out sales records which are not part of any promotion.
- c. In reducer class, perform the following transformations:
a. Find total StoreSales for weekdays and weekends for given regionID, promotionID, sales_year, sales_month
b. Load Promotion file into Distributed cache and lookup the file to get Promotion Name and Promotion Cost for given promotionID
c. Save the following output as a JSon or CSV File
sales_year, sales_month, region_id, PromotionID, Promotion Name, Promotion Cost, Week_day_sales, week_end_sales
- a. Read the JSon / CSV file using a Hive External Table
- b. Create and load a Hive Partitioned table partitioned by region_id, sales_year, sales_month
- c. Write the following queries using Apache Spark and save the output in another hive table:
Query1: List the total weekday sales & weekend sales for each promotions:
Region ID, Promotion ID, Promotion Cost, total weekday sales, total weekend sales
Query 2: List the promotions, which generated highest total sales (weekday + weekend) in each region. Following columns are required in output:
Region ID, Promotion ID, Promotion Cost, total sales
- a. Modify the spark code to write the result set of query 1 above to a Kafka topic called “RetailSales”
- b. Write a Kafka Consumer which will read records in topic “RetailSales” and load data into a HBase Tables