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ysnrkdm committed Oct 3, 2014
1 parent f736001 commit 7da5819
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Showing 6 changed files with 70 additions and 15 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -2,5 +2,6 @@ Hamilcar

Haskell Shogi program
(c) Y.Kodama 2014

Original source code:
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions src/Board.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,21 +42,33 @@ module Board (
9 -> "\tWhand\t=> " ++ prettyHs Piece.W hs
otherwise -> ""
in unlines $ [row r ++ info r | r <- [2..10]] ++ map (show . second sort) (filter (([]/=) . snd) $ assocs pcl)

empSqs = accumArray seq Piece.Wall(0, 220) $ ( , ) <$> Move.onBdPoss <*> [Piece.Empty]::Sqs

hsBnd co = ((Piece.Pc co Piece.Unp Piece.FU), (Piece.Pc co Piece.Unp Piece.HI))
hsRa = range . hsBnd

bothHsRa = hsRa Piece.B ++ hsRa Piece.W

sideHs co hs = [(pc, n) | pc <- hsRa co, let n = hs ! pc, n/= 0]

empHs = listArray Piece.pcBnd $ repeat 0 :: Hs

prettyHs co hs = unwords [show pc ++ show n | (pc, n) <- sideHs co hs]

pclRa co = range ((Piece.Pc co Piece.Unp Piece.FU), (Piece.Pc co Piece.Pro Piece.HI))

sidePcl co pcl = [(pc, pcl ! pc) | pc <- pclRa co]

empPcl = listArray Piece.pcBnd $ repeat []
empBd = (Board.Bd empSqs empHs Piece.B 0 empPcl)

bdModify bd @ (Board.Bd a1 a2 a3 a4 a5) f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 = Bd (f1 a1) (f2 a2) (f3 a3) (f4 a4) (f5 a5)

bdDoMvs, bdUndoMvs::Bd -> [Move.Mv] -> Bd
bdDoMvs = foldl bdDo
bdUndoMvs = foldr (flip bdUndo)

bdDo, bdUndo::Bd -> Move.Mv -> Bd
bdDo bd mv =
case mv of
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13 changes: 12 additions & 1 deletion src/Move.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,14 +14,25 @@ module Move (

data Mv =
Drop {dropTo::Piece.Pos, dropPc::Piece.Pc}
| Mv {fr::Piece.Pos, to::Piece.Pos, mvPc::Piece.Pc, cap::Piece.Pc, isPro::Bool} deriving (Eq, Ord)
| Mv {
} deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show Mv where
show (Drop to pc) = (dropToUSI pc) ++ (Util.notation to)
show (Mv fr to pc _ isPro) = Util.notation to ++ show pc ++ "(" ++ Util.notation fr ++ ")" ++ Util.if' (isPro, "+", "")

isCapture = (/= Piece.Empty) . cap

mvColor (Drop {dropPc = x}) = x
mvColor (Mv {mvPc = x}) = x

dropToUSI = (++ "*") . show . Piece.p8

mvToUSI (Drop to pc) = dropToUSI pc ++ Util.posToUSI to
mvToUSI (Mv fr to _ _ isPro) = Util.posToUSI fr ++ Util.posToUSI to ++ Util.if' (isPro, "+", "")

onBdPoss = Util.toPos <$> range ((1, 1), (9, 9))::[Piece.Pos]
25 changes: 22 additions & 3 deletions src/Piece.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,10 +26,12 @@ module Piece (
import Data.List

type Pos = Int

data Co = B | W deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Ix)
data Pro = Unp | Pro deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Ix)
data Pc = Empty | Wall | Pc {co::Co, pro::Pro, p8::P8} deriving (Eq, Ord)
data P8 = FU | KY | KE | GI | KI | KA | HI | OU deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Ix)

instance Enum Pc where
fromEnum (Pc co pr p8) = fromEnum co * 16 + fromEnum pr * 8 + fromEnum p8
toEnum x = Pc (toEnum $ div x 16) (toEnum$div x 8 `mod` 2) (toEnum $ mod x 8)
Expand All @@ -53,24 +55,41 @@ module Piece (
show = (:[]) . (p8Chars !!) . fromEnum

p8Chars = "PLNSGBRK"

pcBnd = ((Pc B Unp FU), (Pc W Pro OU))

pcRa = range pcBnd

pcOppCo pc = pc {co = Util.oppEn$co pc}
pcOppPro pc = pc {pro = Util.oppEn$pro pc}

unpPc pc = pc {pro = Unp}

pcCanPro (Pc _ pro p8) = pro == Unp && p8 /= OU && p8 /= KI

p8FromUSI c = toEnum <$> findIndex (toUpper c ==) p8Chars
isSlider p inc = case p8 p of {KA -> even inc; HI -> odd inc; KY -> pro p == Unp; otherwise -> False}

isSlider p inc = case p8 p of {
KA -> even inc;
HI -> odd inc;
KY -> pro p == Unp;
otherwise -> False;

blacki = f Unp FU OU is ++ f Pro FU GI(repeat g) ++ f Pro KA HI(repeat k)
f pro s e = zip [Pc B pro p8 | p8 <- [s..e]]
is @ [p, _, _, _, g, b, r, k] = map sort
[[-17], p, [-35, -33], p ++ b, [-18, -17, -16, -1, 1, 17], [-18, -16, 16, 18], [-17, -1, 1, 17], b ++ r]
pcIncs = (a!)::Pc -> [Pos]

pcIncs::Pc -> [Pos]
pcIncs = (a!)
a = array pcBnd $ blacki ++ map (pcOppCo *** map negate) blacki

deltaToInc = (a!)
f n ds = [(d * l, d) | l <- [1..n], d <- ds]
a = accumArray ( + ) 0 (-144, 144) $ f 1[-35, -33, 33, 35] ++ f 8 [-18, -17, -16, -1, 1, 16, 17, 18]
strDeltaToInc = Util.showGrid(\ x y -> deltaToInc (x + y * 17)) [-8..8] [-8..8]

strDeltaToInc = Util.showGrid (\ x y -> deltaToInc (x + y * 17)) [-8..8] [-8..8]
15 changes: 9 additions & 6 deletions src/Search.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,11 +16,14 @@ module Search(
type Dep = Int
type Cnt = Int
data Result = Result {va::Int, pv::[Move.Mv]} deriving (Eq, Ord)

conv mv res = Result (-va res) (mv:pv res)

minmax::Int -> Board.Bd -> Result
minmax dep bd = f dep bd where
f 0 bd = Result (Eval.eval bd) []
f dep bd = maximumBy (on compare va) nexts
nexts = map next $ MoveGenerator.mvGenFull bd
next mv = conv mv . f (dep - 1) $ Board.bdDo bd mv
minmax dep bd = f dep bd
f 0 bd = Result (Eval.eval bd) []
f dep bd = maximumBy (on compare va) nexts
nexts = map next $ MoveGenerator.mvGenFull bd
next mv = conv mv . f (dep - 1) $ Board.bdDo bd mv
19 changes: 14 additions & 5 deletions src/Usi.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,26 +19,31 @@ module Usi (

castEn::Bool -> Piece.Co
castEn = Util.modiEn id

sfenStartpos = ["lnsgkgsnl/1r5b1/ppppppppp/9/9/9/PPPPPPPPP/1B5R1/LNSGKGSNL", "b", "-"]

bdFromSfen s =
(Board.Bd (Board.empSqs//sqs) (Board.empHs//hsFromSfen(ss!!2))
(Util.if'(ss!!1 == "b", Piece.B, Piece.W)) 0
(accumArray (flip(:)) [] Piece.pcBnd$map swap sqs) )
(Board.Bd (Board.empSqs // sqs) (Board.empHs // hsFromSfen(ss !! 2))
(Util.if' (ss !! 1 == "b", Piece.B, Piece.W)) 0
(accumArray (flip (:)) [] Piece.pcBnd $ map swap sqs) )
ss = if length s >= 3 then s else sfenStartpos
sqs = sqsFromSfen$ss !! 0

pcFromSfen::Char -> (Piece.Co, Piece.P8)
pcFromSfen = castEn . isLower &&& fromJust . Piece.p8FromUSI . toUpper

sqsFromSfen sfen = parser sfen (2, 4) Piece.Unp
parser::[Char] -> (Int, Int) -> Piece.Pro -> [Board.Sq]
parser [] _ _ =[]
parser (x:xs) sq @( r, f) pro
parser (x:xs) sq @ ( r, f) pro
| isDigit x = parser xs (r, f + digitToInt x) pro
| x =='/' = parser xs (r + 1, 4) pro
| x =='+' = parser xs sq Piece.Pro
| otherwise = ((r * 17 + f), Piece.Pc co pro p8):parser xs (r, f + 1) Piece.Unp
where (co, p8) = pcFromSfen x

hsFromSfen sfen = parser sfen 1
parser [] _ =[]
Expand All @@ -47,6 +52,7 @@ module Usi (
| isDigit x = parser xs (digitToInt x)
| otherwise = (Piece.Pc co Piece.Unp p8, cnt):parser xs 1
where (co, p8) = pcFromSfen x

mvFromSfen (Board.Bd sqs _ me _ _) sfen=
case Piece.p8FromUSI(sfen!!0) of
Just p8 -> -- is drop
Expand All @@ -60,15 +66,17 @@ module Usi (
cap = sqs!to
isPro = length sfen == 5
in (Move.Mv fr to mvPc cap isPro)

readUSIPosition sfens=
let ws = tail$words sfens
sbd = Util.if' (head ws == "startpos", ["startpos"], take 3 ws)
bd = bdFromSfen sbd
smvs = drop 1 $ dropWhile (/= "moves") ws
mvs = mvsFromSfen bd $ smvs
in (bd, mvs)

usiLoop bd = do
sfens <- getLine
let cmds = words sfens
case head cmds of
"isready" -> putStrLn$"readyok"
Expand All @@ -81,6 +89,7 @@ module Usi (
putStrLn $ "bestmove " ++ Move.mvToUSI(head pv)
otherwise -> putStrLn ("undefined command.." ++ sfens)
usiLoop bd -- next

mvsFromSfen::Board.Bd -> [String] -> [Move.Mv]
mvsFromSfen bd [] = []
mvsFromSfen bd (s:ss) = mv:mvsFromSfen(Board.bdDo bd mv)ss
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