IntelliJ IDEA plugin for Haskell, based on ideah.
You can download latest build manually from BuildServer: (
For now provides basic features:
- Haskell syntax highlight
- Error checking with buidwrapper.
- Show type of symbol (Ctrl + I, or ⌘ + I on mac)
- Simple completion based on ghc-mod
- Cabal syntax highlight
- Build of cabal projects
- Installation of cabal packages
If you installed new version of cabal through cabal install cabal-install
then buildwrapper fails (issue).
- add ability jump to hackage libraries source code.
- support of another products based on IntelliJ platform.
- GHCi support
You can install plugin from idea by going to Preferences
-> Plugins
and pressing Browse repositories...
To normal work this plugin need:
- Haskell platform
- cabal must be in
- cabal packages
To normal compilation you will need:
- IDEA 13.1
- Kotlin plugin
- JDK 6
- IntelliJ IDEA Plugin SDK