Pytorch code for the paper "Long-Range Correlation Supervision for Land-Cover Classification from Remote Sensing Images".
- Python 3.7
- pytorch>=1.5 torchvision>=0.6.0
- opencv-python
1.prepare your data
The organization of your data is as follows:
assuming your data is in the 'dir_path',
'dir_path' has a subfolder, i.e.'train_data'
'train_data' has two subfolders, i.e.'train' and 'val'
'train'and 'val' both have two subfolders, i.e., 'image' and 'label'
2.create a python file and input:
from train_model import train_multiclass_model
save_path='path for saving the training model weight'
patch_size=512 #the size of your image/label tiles
train_multiclass_model(project_class_num,data_path,save_path, batchsize, epoch,patch_size)
#run the python file and the SLCNet model start training
1.prepare your data, just the images would be feded into the model
2.create a python file and input:
from predict_model import predict_multiclass_model
imgpath='test images path'#the sizes of the testing images can be random.
save_path='path for saving the predicting results'
weight_path='model weight path, .../*.pkl'
patch_size=512 #usually 512
predict_multiclass_model(project_class_num, imgpath, weight_path,save_path, patch_size)
#run the python file and the SLCNet model start predicting
Citation link
If you find this project useful for your research, please cite this work.
Yu, D., & Ji, S. "Long-Range Correlation Supervision for Land-Cover Classification from Remote Sensing Images",IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (TGRS), vol. 61, pp. 1-14, 2023.
- 2023.10.13, We released the code of SCLNet.
- 2023.10.15, We added the code for training and testing the SCLNet.
Contact: [email protected]. Any questions or discussions are welcomed!