Kill Bounty
Change Log
- Fixed Who the Bounty Goes To
- Fixed Permissions Spelling
- Converted Database
Kill bounty is a way how player can act like Mobster, Gang Bangers, Drug Lords, ect. by allowing them to place bounties on players heads. So for those players who just got killed by a troll, he can just put a bounty on that players head.
I have implement this on my server and noticed that it kept player from leaving for the small hope that some knight in shining armour will go and kill that person for them.
/bounty set - Set Bounty on players head.
/bounty list - List players with bounties on their heads.
/bounty del - Take a bounty off a players head.
- Add Bounty on players
- Supports €¢onom¥$
- Disciplines Player For Being Killed With A Bounty On Their Heads
- Announces Bounty As They Are Placed
Coming Soon
- A Way For Player to Locate Those With Bounties On their Heads
- Adding More Economy Plugin Support
- Allowing players to Delete A Bounty
- Adding A Time Restriction On Bounties
- Contract Killer - Extension - Coming Later Soon
- Allow Players To Choose Contract Killers To Do the Job
- Allow Contract Killers To Gain Rank
- Allow Contract Killers To Set Their Minimum Rate
- Allow Players To Set Timers On Contact Killers
This is A Plugin I Plan on Updating Every Day, If Possible.