Currently, our research focuses on RNNs in large language models (LLMs). We’re interested in exploring how to adapt transformer-based models, such as the 671B R1, to incorporate RNN attention and hybrid approaches, aiming to enhance expressive power and long-context capabilities in latent space. You can check out our ongoing work on ARWKV here.
flowchart TB
subgraph HybridModel
input[Input] --> Embeddings
Embeddings --> L0[Layer 0]
subgraph Layer0[Layer 0]
direction LR
A0[AttentionWrapper] --> MLP0[MLP]
subgraph AW0[AttentionWrapper 0]
direction TB
TA0[TeacherAttn\nFrozen] --> |Compare|SA0[StudentAttn\nRWKV TimeMixer]
SA0 --> |Generate|VF0[v_first state 0]
subgraph Layer1[Layer 1]
direction LR
A1[AttentionWrapper] --> MLP1[MLP]
subgraph AW1[AttentionWrapper 1]
direction TB
TA1[TeacherAttn\nFrozen] --> |Compare|SA1[StudentAttn\nRWKV TimeMixer]
SA1 --> |Generate|VF1[v_first state 1]
subgraph LayerN[Layer N]
direction LR
AN[AttentionWrapper] --> MLPN[MLP]
subgraph AWN[AttentionWrapper N]
direction TB
TAN[TeacherAttn\nFrozen] --> |Compare|SAN[StudentAttn\nRWKV TimeMixer]
SAN --> |Generate|VFN[v_first state N]
L0 --> L1[Layer 1]
L1 --> LN[...]
LN --> LayerN
LayerN --> output[Output]
subgraph VFirstHolder[VFirstHolder Distributed State]
direction TB
VS[Shared State\nShape: world_size x batch_size x seq_length x hidden_size]
%% v_first flow connections
VF0 --> |Update Rank Slice|VS
VS --> |Next Layer Input|VF1
VF1 --> |Update Rank Slice|VS
VS --> |Next Layer Input|VFN
VFN --> |Update Rank Slice|VS
classDef default fill:#f9f9f9,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef attention fill:#e1f5fe,stroke:#01579b,stroke-width:2px;
classDef vfirst fill:#f3e5f5,stroke:#4a148c,stroke-width:2px;
classDef mlp fill:#f1f8e9,stroke:#33691e,stroke-width:2px;
class A0,A1,AN attention;
class VF0,VF1,VFN,VS vfirst;
class MLP0,MLP1,MLPN mlp;
graph TD
A[开始] --> B[参数初始化]
B --> C[加载配置文件]
C --> D[初始化模型和分词器]
D --> E[设置DeepSpeed配置]
E --> F{判断训练阶段<br>stage 1/2/3}
F -->|Stage 1| G1[初始化教师注意力列表]
F -->|Stage 2| G2[初始化完整教师模型]
F -->|Stage 3/SFT| G3[跳过教师模型初始化]
G1 --> H[准备数据加载器]
G2 --> H
G3 --> H
H --> I[开始训练循环]
subgraph 训练循环
I --> J[更新学习率和权重衰减]
J --> K[前向传播]
K --> L[计算损失]
L --> M[反向传播]
M --> N{是否累积步骤}
N -->|是| O[优化器步进]
N -->|否| P[继续下一批次]
O --> Q{检查保存条件}
P --> J
Q -->|满足| R[保存检查点]
Q -->|不满足| S{检查终止条件}
R --> S
S -->|继续| J
S -->|终止| T[结束训练]
subgraph 损失计算
L --> L1[教师损失]
L --> L2[KL散度损失]
L --> L3[学生交叉熵损失]
The training shell is the Please refer the train_memo.txt for more details for training in different stages.
flowchart TB
subgraph Init["初始化阶段"]
A[解析命令行参数] --> B[设置分布式环境]
B --> C[加载分词器]
C --> D[加载数据集]
D --> E[创建DataLoader]
E --> F[初始化DeepSpeed配置]
subgraph Models["模型初始化"]
F --> G[初始化主模型]
G --> H[初始化参考模型]
H --> J[配置优化器]
subgraph Training["训练循环"]
J --> K[进入训练轮次]
K --> L[批次训练]
L --> M{是否需要保存检查点}
M -->|是| N[保存模型检查点]
M -->|否| O[继续训练]
N --> O
O --> P{轮次结束?}
P -->|否| L
P -->|是| Q[保存轮次检查点]
Q --> R{全部轮次完成?}
R -->|否| K
R -->|是| S[训练结束]
subgraph TrainStep["批次训练步骤(GRPOTrainer)"]
L --> T[生成完成内容]
T --> U[计算奖励]
U --> V[计算KL散度]
V --> W[多次更新迭代]
W --> X[返回训练指标]
subgraph Metrics["指标记录"]
X --> Y[更新累计统计]
Y --> Z[记录到WandB]
GRPO Algorithm from
The implementation of GRPO algorithm is rl/ , please refer the code for more details. TRL just eliminates the GRPO iteration and ignore the memory efficiency for large data in relative small machines. That's why we implement our own GRPO algorithm.
- prepare input Raw data in [input_Raw_data_dir]
{"text": "<|begin▁of▁sentence|>A conversation between User and Assistant. The user asks a question, and the Assistant solves it. The assistant first thinks about the reasoning process in the mind and then provides the user with the answer. The reasoning process are enclosed within , i.e., reasoning process here Final Answer:\nanswer here. <|User|>......<|Assistant|>\n\n......\n\n\n......<|end▁of▁sentence|>"}
sudo apt install python3.12-venv
python -m venv .venv --system-site-packages
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install torch torchvision torchaudio gradio rwkv-fla accelerate deepspeed wandb
git clone
cd ./transformers
pip install .
- AMD hipcc Compile extra_cuda_cflags: '-xhip', '-fopenmp', '-ffast-math', '-O3', '--offload-arch=gfx1100','-munsafe-fp-atomics'
- Nvidia nvcc Compile extra_cuda_cflags: '-res-usage', '--maxrregcount 60', '--use_fast_math', '-O3', '-Xptxas -O3'
- Training for Qwen 0.5B with Norm
sh -c configs/qwen_0.5b.yaml -l 0.0001 -f 0.00001 -m 2048 -b 2 -r "[input_Raw_data_dir_1] [input_Raw_data_dir_2] [input_Raw_data_dir_3]..." -o [output_model_path] -g 1 -F 0 -d 1 -t 1000_000_000 -T 0.2 -R v7 -s 1 -M 1 -G [Use GPU number]
- Training for Qwen 0.5B with Norm
sh -c configs/qwen_0.5b.yaml -l 0.0001 -f 0.00001 -m 2048 -b 2 -r "[input_Raw_data_dir_1] [input_Raw_data_dir_2] [input_Raw_data_dir_3]..." -o [Stage_1_output_model_dir] -g 1 -F 0 -d 1 -t 1000_000_000 -T 0.2 -R v7 -s 2 -k [output_deepspeed_model_weight_dir] -M 1 -G [Use GPU number]
- Training for Qwen 0.5B with Norm and freez mlp
sh -c configs/qwen_0.5b.yaml -l 0.0001 -f 0.00001 -m 2048 -b 2 -r "[input_Raw_data_dir_1] [input_Raw_data_dir_2] [input_Raw_data_dir_3]..." -o [Stage_1_output_model_dir] -g 1 -F 0 -d 1 -t 1000_000_000 -T 0.2 -R v7 -s 2 -k [output_deepspeed_model_weight_dir] -M 1 -z 1 -G [Use GPU number]
- Training for Qwen 0.5B with Norm and freez mlp and use another teacher model
sh -c configs/qwen_0.5b.yaml -l 0.0001 -f 0.00001 -m 2048 -b 2 -r "[input_Raw_data_dir_1] [input_Raw_data_dir_2] [input_Raw_data_dir_3]..." -o [Stage_1_output_model_dir] -g 1 -F 0 -d 1 -t 1000_000_000 -T 0.2 -R v7 -s 2 -k [output_deepspeed_model_weight_dir] -M 1 -z 1 -i [Another_Instruct_teacher_model_dir_with_config] -G [Use GPU number]
Jump to document describes the usage of the
script for model training with DeepSpeed
python ./train_scripts/ [checkpoint_dir] [output_dir]
sudo apt install python3.12-venv
python -m venv .venv --system-site-packages
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url
pip install gradio rwkv-fla accelerate deepspeed
git clone
cd ./transformers
pip install .
using bf = __nv_bfloat16;
__device__ inline float to_float(const bf & u) { return __bfloat162float(u); }
__device__ inline bf to_bf(const float & u) { return __float2bfloat16_rn(u); }
using bf = __nv_bfloat16;
__device__ inline float to_float(const bf & u) { return __bfloat162float(u); }
__device__ inline bf to_bf(const float & u) { return __float2bfloat16(u); }
5. Change All deepspeed backend='nccl'
to backend='rccl'
in ./train_scripts/
extra_cuda_cflags=[f'-D_C_={HEAD_SIZE}',"-res-usage", "--use_fast_math", "-O3", "-Xptxas -O3", "--extra-device-vectorization"]
[f'-D_C_={HEAD_SIZE}', f"-D_CHUNK_LEN_={CHUNK_LEN}", '-xhip', '-fopenmp', '-ffast-math', '-O3', '--offload-arch=gfx1100','-munsafe-fp-atomics']
in ./rwkv_inside/
- convert deepspeed model to pytorch format
python ./train_scripts/ --model_path [input_model_dir_path] --output_path [output_model_dir_path] --original_model_path [dir_of_the_original_qwen_model]
- convert pytorch model to hf format for Infrence
python ./test/ --config_file [input_config_file] --ckpt_file [input_deepspeed_model_weight_dir] --output_config_dir [output_config_dir]
- test chat in cli
python ./test/ [model_config_dir]
- test test caht in gradio with thinking
python ./test/ [model_config_dir]
- test chat in gradio with fp16
python ./test/ [model_config_dir]
- test by a single prompt with fp16
python ./test/ [model_config_dir]
- install ROCM Doc on Official Documentation
- Build Environment
sudo apt install python3.12-venv
python -m venv .venv --system-site-packages
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url
pip install gradio rwkv-fla accelerate deepspeed cupy
git clone
cd ./transformers
pip install .
- convert deepspeed model to hf format
python test/ --config_file [input_config_file] --ckpt_file [input_deepspeed_model_weight_dir] --output_config_dir [output_config_dir]
- test chat in cli
python ./test/ [model_config_dir]
- test test caht in gradio with thinking
python ./test/ [model_config_dir]
- test chat in gradio with fp16
python ./test/ [model_config_dir]
- test by a single prompt with fp16
python ./test/ [model_config_dir]
git clone -b rwkv-v7
cd llama.cpp
HIPCXX="$(hipconfig -l)/clang" HIP_PATH="$(hipconfig -R)" \
cmake -S . -B build -DGGML_HIP=ON -DAMDGPU_TARGETS=gfx1030 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
&& cmake --build build --config Release -- -j 16
cd ./build/bin
python ./ [model_dir]
./llama-quantize [model_dir] [Quantization accuracy]
/llama-server -m [model_dir] -t [use_cpu_thread_number] -ngl 99 --host [host_number] --port [port_number]
Radeon 7000 series use gfx1100 & Radeon 6000 series use gfx1030
git clone -b rwkv-v7
cd llama.cpp
cmake -B build -DGGML_CUDA=ON
cmake --build build --config Release
cd ./build/bin
python ./ [model_dir]
./llama-quantize [model_dir] [Quantization_accuracy]
/llama-server -m [model_dir] -t [use_cpu_thread_number] -ngl 99 --host [host_number] --port [port_number]