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VFX for the item box from the Mario Kart games, implemented both in Shader Graph and in pure HLSL for Unity URP

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Mario Kart Item Box VFX

VFX for the item box from the Mario Kart games, implemented both in Shader Graph and in pure HLSL for Universal RP in Unity 2021.3.10f1


Gif Gif



Pure HLSL Implemenation

Animated Rainbow Colors in pure HLSL

  • Mark the shader to cull front (only render inward looking faces)
  • Add two Texture2D properties, one for the rainbow colors and the other for the grayscale shapes.
  • Add a Velocity property to control the velocity of the animation.
  • Multiply the Time variable by the Velocity parameter, and add it to the Red channel of the Grayscale texture.
  • Use this value to offset the UVs along the X coordinate.
  • Use frac() to ensure the value is between 0 and 1 for uvs.
  • Use these new uvs to get the pixel color from the colors texture.
half4 frag(Varyings IN) : SV_Target
   half4 grayscaleColor = tex2D(_Grayscale, IN.uv);

   float timeScaled = _Time.y * _ColorVelocity;

   float offset = grayscaleColor.r + timeScaled;
   float2 offsetUVs = float2(frac(IN.uv.x + offset), IN.uv.y);

   half4 rainbowColor = tex2D(_Colors, offsetUVs);

   return rainbowColor;


Fresnel and BlinnPhong in pure HLSL

  • Add Tags to specify the shader will be transparent.
  • ZWrite Off for best practices.
  • Use Blend One One to make an additive blend mode with the Frame Buffer.
Tags { "RenderType"="Transparent" }
Tags { "Queue"="Transparent" }
LOD 100

ZWrite Off
Blend One One
  • Include the Core.hlsl to use stuff like TransformObjectToHClip which is included along with several other transformation functions.
  • Include Lighting.hlsl so that GetMainLight() works inside MainLight.hlsl
    • We can't include Lighting.hlsl inside MainLight.hlsl, becasue that file is also used in shader lab, where it gets compiled along other includes. And it would result in a redefinition of a lot of things.
#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Core.hlsl"
#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Lighting.hlsl"
#include "./MainLight.hlsl"
#include "./BlinnPhongLighting.hlsl"
  • Obtain the view dir in world space by substracting the world space position of the vertex to the _WorldSpaceCameraPos, which is a built-in shader variable.
  • Then normalize() it.
OUT.positionHCS = TransformObjectToHClip(;

OUT.normal = TransformObjectToWorldNormal(IN.normal);

OUT.viewDir = normalize( - TransformObjectToWorld(IN.positionOS));
  • Calculate the Fresnel effect by doing the dot() between the view direction and the normal of the pixel.
// fresnel
half fresnelDot = dot(IN.normal, IN.viewDir);
fresnelDot = saturate(fresnelDot); // clamp to 0,1
half fresnel = max(0.0, 0.6 - fresnelDot); // fresnelDot is zero when normal is 90 deg angle from view dir
  • Calculate the BlinnPhong lighting by doing the dot product between the refracted light dir along the normal, and the view dir.
// blinn phong
float3 lightDir = 0;
float3 lightColor = 0;
MainLight_half(lightDir, lightColor);

half specular = 0;
ComputeBlinnPhong_half(lightDir, IN.normal, IN.viewDir, specular);
void MainLight_half(out half3 Direction, out half3 Color)
    Light light = GetMainLight();
    Direction = light.direction;
    Color = light.color;
void ComputeBlinnPhong_half(half3 lightDir, half3 normal, half3 viewDir, out half Specular)
    half3 reflectedLightDir = reflect(lightDir, normal);

    Specular = max(0, dot(-viewDir, reflectedLightDir)); // avoid negative values


Shader Graph Implementation

Animated Rainbow Colors in ShaderGraph

  • Add two Texture2D properties, one for the rainbow colors and the other for the grayscale shapes.
  • Add a Velocity property to control the velocity of the animation.
  • Multiply the Time variable by the Velocity parameter, and add it to the Red channel of the Grayscale texture.
  • Use this value as an offset in the Tiling and Offset node used to determine the UVs of the sampler 2D for the rainbow colors.
  • Mark the shader to cull front (only render inward looking faces)




Gif Gif

Fresnel and BlinnPhong in ShaderGraph

  • Add a Fresnel Effect Node.
  • Define a Custom Function Node and make it use the hlsl file with the function that grabs the main light.
  • Define another Custom Function Node to compute the Blinn Phong lighting.
  • Implement the .hlsl code to compute the main light direction and the blinn phong lighting:
    • Reflect the view direction along the normal.
    • Calculate the dot product between the inverted view direction, and the reflected light.
    • The stronger the dot product, the stronger the specular.
  • Use the Normal Vector and View Direction nodes, along with the calculated Main Light direction, to compute the basic Blinn Phong lighting in the custom function.
  • Add the Fresnel and the Blinn Phong together.

HLSL Snippets

void MainLight_half(out half3 Direction, out half3 Color)
        Direction = half3(0.5, 0.5, 0);
        Color = 1;
        Light light = GetMainLight();
        Direction = light.direction;
        Color = light.color;
void ComputeBlinnPhong_half(half3 lightDir, half3 normal, half3 viewDir, out half Specular)
    half3 reflectedLightDir = reflect(lightDir, normal);

    Specular = max(0, dot(-viewDir, reflectedLightDir)); // avoid negative values




Gif Gif

Particle System

  • Create a ShaderGraph shader to just render the question mark texture.
  • Create a Shuriken particle system object.
    • Disable the Shape section to avoid particles changing size over time.
    • Set Start Speed to zero in the top.
    • Set Rate Over Time to zero in the Emission section.
      • Create one burst with just one particle.



  • Create an Animation Controller and an idle Animation.
  • Modify the curves so that the rotation is smooth and varies over time.


Creating the Textures

Gif Gif Gif

Creating the Mesh



VFX for the item box from the Mario Kart games, implemented both in Shader Graph and in pure HLSL for Unity URP






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