Polyhedral sci-fi shield Shader implemented with HLSL/ShaderGraph and VFX Graph for the URP in Unity 2021.3.10f1
- Create an Icosphere in Blender with at least 3 levels of subdivision.
- Apply a Subdivision Modifier.
- Select similar vertices and dissolve them.
- Make the surface only have hexagons and pentagons, like a soccer ball.
- Delete the default UV mapping and create a new one from scratch.
- This will allow to group the faces with little distortion, and maximize overlapping.
- Generate the UV map with both hexagon and pentagon shapes in.
- Export the UV Mapping from blender.
- Use the UV Mapping as a reference for creating the Texture for the outlines of the shield.
- Import the texture in Unity and setup an unlit material for the shield.
- Download the package from the asset store.
- Import the assets into the project.
- Delete any assets that are not needed.
- Setup a scene with the assets.
- Set the RenderType and Queue to Transparent.
- Mark the Shader to target the UniversalRenderPipeline.
Tags {
"RenderType" = "Transparent"
"Queue" = "Transparent"
"RenderPipeline" = "UniversalRenderPipeline"
- Set Cull Off to render both sides.
- Disable ZWrite.
- Implement an Alpha Blend.
Cull Off
ZWrite Off
Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha
- Parametrize the MainTexture, a Color for the inner faces, and the parameters for the Fresnel effect in the front.
- Parametrize the amount and speed of the displacement animation.
- Use HDR mode for the colors.
_MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
[HDR] _ColorBack ("Color Back", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
_FresnelPower ("Fresnel Power", Float) = 1
[HDR] _FresnelColor ("Fresnel Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
_DisplacementAmount ("Displacement Amount", Float) = 1.0
_AnimationSpeed ("Animation Speed", Float) = 1.0
- Displace the vertices in the Vertex Shader Stage.
// displace faces along the normals
float displacementAmount = ((sin(_Time.y * _AnimationSpeed) + 1) / 2) * _DisplacementAmount;
float3 displacedPostitionOS = IN.positionOS.xyz + (IN.normal.xyz * displacementAmount);
OUT.positionHCS = TransformObjectToHClip(displacedPostitionOS);
- Calculate the world normal and the view dir, for later computing the Fresnel in the Fragment Shader.
float3 positionW = TransformObjectToWorld(IN.positionOS.xyz);
OUT.viewDir = normalize(_WorldSpaceCameraPos.xyz - positionW.xyz);
OUT.worldNormal = TransformObjectToWorldNormal(IN.normal.xyz, true);
- Calculate the Fresnel effect.
// fresnelDot is zero when normal is 90 deg angle from view dir
float fresnelDot = dot(IN.worldNormal, IN.viewDir);
fresnelDot = saturate(fresnelDot); // clamp to 0,1
float fresnelPow = pow(1.0f - fresnelDot, _FresnelPower);
- Return the corresponding color using the VFACE semantics to detect if the face is facing the camera or not.
// VFACE input positive for frontbaces,
// negative for backfaces. Output one
// of the two colors depending on that.
half4 frag(Varyings IN, half facing : VFACE) : SV_Target
return facing > 0 ? color * fresnelPow * _FresnelColor : color * _ColorBack;
- Calculate a Perlin Noise value using the normal.xy coordinates.
- This way, all vertices of the same face will compute the same Perlin Noise value, because the faces are planar and all normals are the same for the same face.
- Multiplying this Perlin Noise by the displacement amount, will make individual faces move separately from the rest.
- Generating an effect of disarray.
// generate perlin noise for the given UVs in the second UV map
float noise;
_Time.y * _AnimationSpeed
// displace faces along the normals
float displacementAmount = noise * _DisplacementAmount;
displacementAmount = clamp(displacementAmount, -_DisplacementAmount, _DisplacementAmount);
float3 displacedPostitionOS = IN.positionOS.xyz + (IN.normal.xyz * displacementAmount);
- Implement the Back Color and the Front Fresnel Color.
- Use a Branch Node and a Is Front Face Node to decide which to use.
- Use a Custom Function Node to use the PerlinNoise HLSL Function.
- Use the X and Y coordinates of the normal in object space to calculate the perlin noise.
- Multiply the perlin noise value by the DisplacementAmount, and then clamp it.
- Displace the vertices along the normals using this calculated displacement.
- Add basic animations to the mines and the spaceships.
- Install the Visual Effect Graph package.
- Enable "Support for VFX Graph" in the Shader Graph.
- Make the VFX Graph just spawn one single particle.
- Use the Output Particle Unlit Mesh Node.
- Set Size over Lifetime to create an animation effect.
- Set Color over Lifetime by using Age over Lifetime and Sample Gradient, and passing these values to the Material Color for the Shield.