We've update Zammad to 5.2.3-32.
Elasticsearch was updated from 7.17.3 to 8.5.0 using the Bitnami image
- We don't use a custom build of the docker image anymore as ingest-attachment is no longer a plugin but instead a module packaged with this distribution of Elasticsearch
- ELASTICSEARCH_REINDEX var should be set to true
PostgreSql was updated from 9.6.24 to 15.0.0
- We don't use a custom build of the docker image anymore as we just mount the backup script to the postgres container now
- backup / restore ins needed to update
- you can create a new backup (with your old postgres 9.6 version / still in previous git version) by:
- if you already have checked out the newest commit
git checkout cd424e98689b8dc49878a37b9aab67192c36fd24
- docker-compose stop
- docker-compose up
- check docker logs until "backup finished :)" is shown as last(!) entry
docker logs -f zammad-docker-compose_zammad-backup_1
docker-compose stop
- if you already have checked out the newest commit
- you can restore the backup in postgres 15 like
- update git epository
git checkout master
git pull
- stop docker-compose if it's running
docker-compose stop
- delete old zammad postgre container and volume (data is lost! get sure your backups are in place!)
docker container rm zammad-docker-compose_zammad-postgresql_1
docker volume rm zammad-docker-compose_postgresql-data
- recreate zammads postgres volume
docker volume create zammad-docker-compose_postgresql-data
- start a temporary restore container (adjust username & password vars if needed)
docker run -it --rm --name postgres-restore -v zammad-docker-compose_zammad-backup:/var/tmp/zammad:ro -v zammad-docker-compose_postgresql-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data -e POSTGRES_USER=zammad -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=zammad postgres:15.0-alpine
- in a second bash shell run:
- show available backups
docker exec -it postgres-restore bash -c "ls -al /var/tmp/zammad/"
- create zammad_production db
docker exec -it postgres-restore bash -c "psql -U zammad --command='CREATE DATABASE zammad_production'"
- restore old data with adjusted filename you got from the ls command above
docker exec -it postgres-restore bash -c "gunzip -kc /var/tmp/zammad/!!!ENTER_PSQL_FILE_NAME_FROM_COMMAND_ABOVE!!!_zammad_db.psql.gz | psql -U zammad -d zammad_production"
- stop the restore container
docker stop postgres-restore
- show available backups
- in your first bash shell
docker-compose up
- update git epository
- you can create a new backup (with your old postgres 9.6 version / still in previous git version) by:
An alternative way can be found here: #308
Full Changelog: v5.0.0...v6.0.0