3.1 (2024-08-02)
- [#61] Divide to local and remote data-layer docker compose configuration
- [#59] Update deploy doc to refer new deploy repository
- Show version of task-definitions service on welcome page
- Adjust redis client to work in cluster mode
- Provide shell scripts to tail different logs
- Parametrize migration image execution
- Add support of *-debug browser images
- Remove Apache 2.0 LICENSE file
- Certify Aurora (PostgreSQL Compatible) DB for the project
- Minimize nat gateway expenses
- Investigate and implement CloudFormation with remote postgres and redis aws services
- Implement better healthcheck for cypress
- Reuse logging configurations for the ecs tasks
- Redis client stops working after nil error
- Panic on session creation
- Redis node logs fill up all free space
- Redis cluster could be not initialized even with established connection
- Scaler panics on scale down
- S3_REGION var is not passed to task-definition
Migration Steps
- Stop services
./zebrunner.sh down
- Pull latest changes, fix conflicts if any
- Start services
./zebrunner.sh start
- [Optional] To enable cloud watch logs:
4.1. Create new cloud watch group
aws logs create-log-group --log-group-name e3s-{env}-logs
4.2. Add new actions to e3s-agent-role:
4.3. Insert log-group name into config.env file:
- [Optional] Start support e3s infrastructure by terraform