Backend and Frontend for a web application that lets you search on Google places and book a property
An app to show properties around a user location and few details.
Requirements specification includes:
- Making sure there's a list, which lets us see/find any property around our current location.
- Making sure the user can select a specific property, and create a booking request.
- Show the booking requests list with a public API.
- Google Places API is used given at
- Angular is used for Frontend and Java Spring is used for backend.
- Frontend and backend running on a local machine should be able to communicate
The backend has been upgraded recently to use PostGres instead of H2 inmemory databases and code classes can be seen here:
Properly implemented repository class:
Proper interfaces:
A controller class to call model and daos to talk to PostGres:
A service class to help create bookings:
Proper tests:
Displaying of places fetched from Google Places API:
Places searching component:
Interface to represent the data model:
Service to do places search:
Run Visual Studio Code
Open the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P)
Then type 'shell command'
Then select first Shell "Run" command
Next go to this new window terminal
cd into folder in which code exists
Type command 'code .' code [space] [dot] in terminal.
This will open vs code in the angular code directory ready to inspect and run code!
Now run command in vscode powershell in a new Terminal: npm install
Next you can npm install required packages indicated as missing. In the end run this command to run the app: ng serve --open
Import as maven project to IntelliJ Idea and run the tests / main application.
- Usually we'd need to run some SQL scripts to create a database in Java Spring using the schema. However, here we're using an in-memory H2 database.
- The backend has been upgraded recently to use PostGres instead of H2 inmemory databases and code classes can be seen here: