Zeus Enhanced 1.4.0
Requires CBA Version 3.10.1 or later and Arma 3 Version 1.92 or later.
The headlining points of this release are the addition of Area Markers and the Player Visibility Indicator. Area Markers will allow Zeus to better detail missions on the map and the Player Visibility Indicator will help ensure that on-the-fly adjustments are not made in view of players. This indicator can be disabled through its CBA setting.
The Teleport Players module received improvements such as selection saving and an include vehicles option. The teleporting behaviour has also been improved to better handle air vehicles and units in vehicles.
Furthermore, the new Eject Passengers keybind provides better ejecting behaviour than the vanilla keybind. Only units in cargo positions will eject and not immediately (one after another). If the vehicle is currently flying, the units are given parachutes. Relatedly, a scripted paradrop waypoint was added.
Finally, this release provides various improvements and quality of life fixes such as preserving the camera's relative position to the unit when exiting remote control and context actions support for teleporting into hovered vehicles.
In order to further extend the capabilities of the context menu, this release introduces backwards incompatible changes to the context menu SQF API, specifically, adding actions through script. Config based actions remain unaffected and added functionality is provided via new config entries. Old actions added through script will need to be updated, the full changes are detailed in the documentation.
Change Log Summary
- Area Markers (#120)
- Player visibility indicator (#49)
- OWNERS dialog control type and improved Teleport Players module (#93)
- Add Full Arsenal and Remove Arsenal modules (#66)
- Create Teleporter module (#122)
- Eject Passengers keybind (#95)
- Paradrop waypoint (#119)
- Traits button to attributes display (#45)
- Missing music tracks from the vanilla game into the Play Music module (#115)
- Context menu support for dynamic children actions (#125)
- Sound to vehicle crew checkbox (#126)
- Teleport Player/Zeus context actions with ability to teleport into hovered vehicle (#86)
- Aircraft amount control for Ambient Flyby module (#123)
- Move camera to unit's position when exiting remote control (#108)
- Prevent opening context menu using keybind while searching (#128)
- Configure Doors module hint when attached (#88)
- Side Relations GUI combo selection (#89)
- Artillery Fire Mission module ETA message (#100)
- Cache declutter empty tree faction names (#112)
- Garrison minimum range to 5 (#110)