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Jose Pinto edited this page Nov 16, 2018 · 4 revisions


Brief description

This executive will automatically generate (temporal) plans onboard the vehicle so that it will traverse a river plume multiple times. It is assumed that the AUV starts inside the fresh water plume and that this plume is centered around a known point (river mouth).


In the IMC4J folder, run ant DripExecutive. This will generate the jar file dist/drip/DripExecutive.jar.


For running, use java -jar DripExecutive.jar <file>, where <file> is the file use for configurations. If it doesn't exist, a new file will be created with name with default configurations.

Default configurations:

Latitude, in degrees, of river mouth

  • river_lat=41.144789

Longitude, in degrees, of river mouth

  • river_lon=-8.679689

Number of yoyos to perform on each side of the plume

  • yoyo_count=5

Start angle, in degrees - The vehicle will start by moving to a waypoint in this direction from river mouth

  • start_ang=-180.0

End angle, in degrees - The executive will end when arrives at this angle

  • end_ang=-45.0

Variation, in degrees, between survey angles - Everytime the plume is crossed, this increment will be added to the angle

  • angle_inc=10.0

Minimum distance from river mouth - If the plume is closer than this distance from the river mouth, the vehicle will turn around and miss it

  • min_dist=750.0

Maximum distance from river mouth - If the plume is further than this distance from the river mouth, the vehicle will turn around and miss it

  • max_dist=15000.0

Use Simulated Plume - The simulated plume is at fixed distance from river mouth simulated_plume=false

Distance of simulated plume

  • plume_dist=1000.0

Plume Gradient - If the maximum salinity minus the minimum salinity is above this value, the vehicle is inside the plume. If the gradient is set to 0, it will simply use the threshold

  • plume_gradient=5.0

Plume Threshold - If the salinity close to the surface is below this value, the vehicle is inside the plume. Only used if the gradient is set to 0.

  • plume_threshold=30.0

Nominal Speed - The speed to use to schedule ETAs for all waypoints

  • speed=1.0

Maximum Depth - Maximum yoyo depth

  • maxDepth=10.0

#Minimum Depth - Minimum yoyo depth

  • minDepth=0.0

Maximum Speed - In case the vehicle is delayed it can increase its speed up to this value.

  • maxSpeed=1.5

Minimum Speed - In case the vehicle is ahead of time it can decrease its speed down to this value.

  • minSpeed=0.7

DUNE Host Address - Address for DUNE (back seat server)

  • hAddr=

DUNE Host Port (TCP) - Port for DUNE (back seat server) hPort=6006

Minutes before termination - After this time, the executive will stop running.

  • timeout=600

#Maximum time without reporting position - After this time it will stop in the next waypoint for synchronization

  • minsOff=15

Maximum time without GPS - after this time underwater will ascend to the surface to reacquire GPS

  • minsUnder=3

Seconds to idle at each vertex - the minimum time to wait at each waypoint (it will stay as much as 3 times this duration if there is something left to communicate).

  • wptSecs=60

Cyclic execution - if set will re-execute the last plan after conclusion

  • cycle=false

Speed up before descending

  • descRpm=1300

Upload temperature profiles

  • upTemp=false

Upload salinity profiles

  • upSal=false

Align with destination waypoint before going underwater

  • align=true
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