BoostForest [1] is an ensemble learning approach that bases on model tree [2], boosting [3] and bootstrap aggregating (Bagging) [4]. It is designed to be efficient with the following advantages:
- Support of classification and regression in supervised learning.
- Support of achieving better generalization performance than traditional tree-based ensemble learning approaches.
Our primary documentation is at and is generated from this repository. If you are new to BoostForest, follow the installation instructions on that site.
Next you may want to read:
- APIs & Parameters is an exhaustive list of customization you can make.
- Parameters Tuning is an exhaustive list of customization you can make.
- Examples showing command line usage of common tasks.
[1] C. Zhao, D. Wu, J. Huang, Y. Yuan, H. Zhang, R. Peng and Z. Shi, “BoostTree and BoostForest for ensemble learning,” IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2022, in press.
[2] Y. Wang and I. H. Witten, “Induction of model trees for predicting continuous classes,” in Proc. 9th European Conf. on Machine Learning, Prague, Czech Republic, 1997.
[3] J. H. Friedman, “Greedy function approximation: A gradient boosting machine,” Annals of Statistics, vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 1189–1232, 2001.
[4] L. Breiman, “Bagging predictors,” Machine Learning, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 123–140, 1996.