NAME -- molecule
Set up repository
Set up Django project
Set up Dgano app, link basic pages
Create superuser
Get basic login set up, clean up pages
Get login and logout working and linked
To do:
Done! _Week 1:
Set up repository
Start new Django project
Start app, get basics set up_
Week 2:
Get basic HTML laid out
Set up test accounts
Play with CSS
Week 3:
Polish, troubleshoot, etc
What are the major features of your web application?
Private chat program that lets users set up groups, easily send group or duplicate or individual messages.
Easy options to delete messages.
Private, not searchable. You set up your own groups and cannot message outside of it.
What problem is it attempting to solve?
Simple, streamlined private chat platform to handle groups and individuals
What libraries or frameworks will you use?
Considering using Twilio API chat and/or SMS?
Walk through the application from the user's perspective.
Users create accounts
They can set up groups
Add friends by username, and tag to groups as they add friends (cannot search for people)
Friends are sent notifications, to confirm before you can chat
Log in to send messages
What will they see on each page? What can they input and click and see?
Log in/create account page
Landing page lists groups, messages, edit account info, add new friends
Message page has lists of messages. Messages can be easily archived or deleted. Can delete on both ends.
Edit account info page to change password, update contact info, profile picture, etc
How will their actions correspond to events on the back-end?
Searching for friends checks db for existing accounts and returns matches
Lgoging in accesses Djano's user model
Messages do a one-to-many or one-to-one route to get sent to users
Group tags
Messages (read, unread)