The project depends on MySQL database.
You will first need to create a database with new user: gamanza
and password: gamanza
. You can use any other data user be sure to change file and build new jar!
After you create user and you can import dump that's located in /database/gamanza_db.sql
After database is up and running, you have 2 options to run the program:
- Use IDE, open src/java/si/deisinger/DemoApplication/DemoApplication.class and run it,
- Open terminal, cd into /build/ folder and run:
java -jar Gamanza-Backend-Coding-Challenge-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
There are some comments about API endpoints in the code but for easier understanding you can access Swagger UI here: http://localhost:1598/swagger-ui/index.html
You will also find POSTMAN json, so you can import API requests with sample data into the application. You can find it under postman/Gamanza Backend Challenge.postman_collection.json
We are very pleased and happy that you are interested in working with us and like to join our Gamanza family. This coding challenge is a great playground and an opportunity for you to show us your knowledge, skills, motivation, and passion. We don’t expect perfect code, but something you will be proud of. It’s completely up to you how you will tackle this task and solve it. Use tools, libraries, technology and patterns you would usually use and of course your knowledge.
What we would like to see:
- Architecture pattern usage and clean code
- Usage of modern platform features and up-to-date coding practices (e.g. CDI, annotations, etc.)
- Knowledge of JavaScript, Express, ORM, REST, Sockets, JOI, ...
- Well written tests (JEST, ...) (we don’t expect a huge code coverage)
- Clean VCS history
The finished project should be delivered in a form of a publicly available GIT repository and should contain all the necessary code for running the application. Trust in your own knowledge and do your best (as with a real project) and commit often so we can see and understand the process and make a proper final product.
Good luck.
Your final product should be a backend application for casino players and games management via REST API, described in details in the following sections. Keep in mind that application can be used by multiple clients at the same time and all data needs to be persisted somewhere(preferred in some lightweight database). UI is not part of this demo application.
- implement HTTP cache mechanisms where is needed
- implement request counter for all REST calls and save it in the local file
- swagger documentation
Games have properties as game title, description, list of players, some pictures, etc. (as identifier use UUID). Implement REST operations to support basic UI requirements:
- list all games
- list games with pagination support
- search for games
- CRUD operations
Players have properties as first name, last name, born date, etc. Implement REST operations to support basic UI requirements:
- list all players
- list players with pagination support
- list games played by player with pagination support
- search for players
- CRUD operations
The application and final product are not specifically defined and there are not huge requirements so you can finish this assignment in one day or in one month, depends on how much of knowledge you want to show to us.
We wish you a good luck and are waiting for your feedback.