**Compatible with Cataclysm Classic
All features are configurable - you decide what you want to see or not to see.
Addon has been developed with efficiency and speed as a priority - no FPS hit, slowdowns or LUA errors.
- Player Class Colors
- Player Titles
- Player Guild Name & Rank
- Player Talents (show Active Spec & Dual-Spec option for WOTLK)
- Player GearScore
- Player Average Item Level
- Unit Target
- Item GearScore
- Item Level
- GearScore
- Average Item Level
Any input / feedback is welcome !
Options Menu
Access from Interface->Addons->TacoTip or chat command /tacotip
For addon developers
LibClassicInspector is now publicly released.
Check out the API here
If you get "Addon out of date" error
Press ESC for Menu -> Addons -> Check: [X] Load out of date AddOns
Developed by anzz1 Updated for Cataclysm by Zik
🇩🇪 deDE: @shakimas (Shaktor, LakeshireEU) , @Nils89
🇪🇸 esES: @Yorkylizado
🇲🇽 esMX:
🇫🇷 frFR:
🇮🇹 itIT:
🇰🇷 koKR: @wagerssi (와우하는아저씨)
🇧🇷 ptBR:
🇷🇺 ruRU: @Iowerth
🇨🇳 zhCN: @yisisixu (云是红河岸 五区 碧空之歌)
🇹🇼 zhTW:
@Kisanen - help during development and testing
@nullKomplex - submitted a bugfix
@ForestJ316 - submitted a bugfix
@Oshiri - help during development and testing