original source code: https://github.com/daseECNU/Touchstone Based on original source code, added
- query analyzer
- handle more data constraints (inclusion constraints, format constraints, etc.)
- handle circular dependency
thesis: https://www2.eecs.berkeley.edu/Pubs/TechRpts/2023/EECS-2023-124.html thesis evaluation is deprecated for now because later on more features was added.
project structure break down:
- query analyzer rules are described in the thesis. query analyzer code is under the directory /src/edu/ecnu/touchstone/extractor/Loader.java and src/edu/ecnu/touchstone/rule
- experiments running is under src/edu/ecnu/touchstone/run. Under such directory, CardinalityTest is for query cardinality experiments after the data is generated under /data/ directory.
- test input format should follow /test/README.md
experiemnts to do:
- data fidelity
- data generating time
- scale w.r.t. data size / number of queries