An end-to-end machine learning project that predicts diabetes risk using patient health indicators. The model achieves 98.4% accuracy using Random Forest Classifier, potentially enabling early diagnosis and intervention.
- Source: National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases (via Kaggle)
- Size: 2,768 patient records
- Features: 8 health-related numerical attributes
- Target: Binary classification (0: Healthy, 1: Diabetic)
├── EDA
│ ├── EDA (Exploratory data analysis).ipynb
│ └── Healthcare-Diabetes.csv
└── Native Bayes and Random Forest
├── Healthcare-Diabetes.csv
└── models.ipynb
Data Preprocessing
- Outlier detection and removal
- Feature selection based on correlation analysis
- No missing values or duplicates found
Exploratory Data Analysis
- Distribution analysis of health indicators
- Correlation analysis between variables
- Feature importance evaluation
Model Development
- Implemented Bernoulli Naive Bayes and Random Forest classifiers
- Model comparison and evaluation using confusion matrices
- Random Forest achieved superior performance
- Python (Pandas, NumPy)
- Scikit-learn
- Seaborn/Matplotlib
- Random Forest Classifier: 98.4% accuracy
- Successfully identified key health indicators for diabetes prediction
- Created visualization tools for healthcare provider decision support