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Update pdf.js submodule
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mrtcode committed Jun 25, 2024
1 parent 5383c8c commit 3401574
Showing 1 changed file with 1 addition and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion pdfjs/pdf.js
Submodule pdf.js updated 89 files
+0 −17 .github/
+76 −0 .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug.yml
+5 −0 .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml
+23 −0 .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature.yml
+13 −0 .github/
+ .github/security.png
+7 −13
+0 −20 docs/config.json
+5 −2 docs/contents/api/
+100 −0 docs/contents/css/a11y-light.css
+5 −5 docs/contents/css/bootstrap.min.css
+30 −109 docs/contents/css/main.css
+5 −4 docs/contents/examples/
+5 −4 docs/contents/getting_started/
+7 −8 docs/contents/
+6 −5 docs/contents/js/bootstrap.min.js
+0 −4 docs/contents/js/jquery-2.1.0.min.js
+2 −0 docs/contents/js/jquery-3.7.1.min.js
+0 −15 docs/plugins/
+0 −52 docs/templates/layout.jade
+56 −0 docs/templates/layout.njk
+6 −0 extensions/chromium/preferences_schema.json
+1 −1 external/openjpeg/openjpeg.js
+77 −54 gulpfile.mjs
+13 −0 jsdoc.json
+5 −6 l10n/br/viewer.ftl
+1 −9 l10n/is/viewer.ftl
+1 −1 l10n/ja/viewer.ftl
+57 −8 l10n/kab/viewer.ftl
+12 −0 l10n/nn-NO/viewer.ftl
+1,727 −8,248 package-lock.json
+17 −14 package.json
+10 −2 src/core/annotation.js
+1 −1 src/core/default_appearance.js
+12 −23 src/core/evaluator.js
+7 −2 src/core/flate_stream.js
+6 −2 src/core/fonts.js
+128 −63 src/core/module/content-rect.js
+8 −9 src/core/module/module.js
+5 −1 src/core/module/outline-extractor.js
+98 −105 src/display/api.js
+7 −2 src/display/base_factory.js
+2 −2 src/display/display_utils.js
+47 −23 src/display/editor/alt_text.js
+13 −5 src/display/editor/annotation_editor_layer.js
+12 −6 src/display/editor/color_picker.js
+32 −16 src/display/editor/editor.js
+16 −5 src/display/editor/freetext.js
+9 −6 src/display/editor/highlight.js
+28 −7 src/display/editor/ink.js
+40 −18 src/display/editor/stamp.js
+28 −11 src/display/editor/toolbar.js
+32 −33 src/display/editor/tools.js
+4 −1 src/display/text_layer.js
+3 −0 src/pdf.sandbox.external.js
+17 −2 src/scripting_api/aform.js
+15 −2 test/integration-boot.mjs
+2 −0 test/integration/highlight_editor_spec.mjs
+117 −16 test/integration/stamp_editor_spec.mjs
+69 −50 test/integration/test_utils.mjs
+7 −1 test/integration/text_layer_spec.mjs
+168 −52 test/integration/viewer_spec.mjs
+2 −0 test/pdfs/.gitignore
+ test/pdfs/bug1539074.1.pdf
+ test/pdfs/bug1539074.pdf
+1 −0 test/pdfs/
+2 −0 test/pdfs/
+1 −0 test/pdfs/
+3 −0 test/test.mjs
+48 −0 test/test_manifest.json
+32 −0 test/unit/pdf_find_controller_spec.js
+4 −0 test/unit/scripting_spec.js
+12 −7 test/unit/testreporter.js
+2 −0 web/annotation_editor_layer_builder.css
+58 −35 web/app.js
+5 −0 web/app_options.js
+12 −11 web/download_manager.js
+3 −11 web/firefoxcom.js
+1 −2 web/genericl10n.js
+0 −7 web/interfaces.js
+19 −0 web/l10n.js
+1 −0 web/pdf_find_controller.js
+15 −7 web/pdf_page_view.js
+10 −3 web/pdf_thumbnail_view.js
+5 −0 web/pdf_thumbnail_viewer.js
+4 −0 web/pdf_viewer.css
+17 −8 web/pdf_viewer.js
+8 −4 web/ui_utils.js
+9 −0 web/viewer.css

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