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JOTB 2018 Demo

This is the demo project for the talk: Monitoring your applications and services with Prometheus.

This project has three directories, each with their own README.

  • todo-app This is a simple MEAN application based on scotch-io/node-todo.
  • prometheus This directory contains scripts and configuration files to download and configure Prometheus and Alertmanager.
  • api-client This is a small Python utility to simulate requests to the ToDo API.

How to use this repository

This repository has multiple branches to show how the todo-app can be modified to export Prometheus metrics which can then be scraped by a running Prometheus instance.

To follow this demo, start at branch s0:

git checkout s0

and follow the instructions. After this, move on to the next branches in turn and continue to follow the instructions for each.


This stage is to confirm that you can run the application code.

Follow the todo-app README to verify that the application is running correctly. Then, follow the prometheus README to verify that you can run Prometheus using the provided configuration.

Having problems? Please open an issue in this project :)


In this branch, we add support for exporting Prometheus metrics from the API in todo-app.

See the todo-app README for more details.

These metrics can be queried within the Prometheus UI as our configuration already has an entry for the ToDo API


In this branch, we add some application specifics metrics to the API in todo-app.

We will add metrics of each of the four types.

See the todo-app README for more details.


In this branch, we modify the code in todo-app to trigger an already configured alert. Our Prometheus instance has already been configured to alert if the percentage of 500 responses exceeds 10% over a 5 minute period. If this alert is triggered, it will send the alert to Alertmanager, which in turn will send a message to Slack using the configured webhook.

For details of how the alert is triggered from the API, see the todo-app README for more details.

To simulate API usage, you can use the included api-client which will allow the error case to be produced more quickly.


In this branch, we revert the code from the previous branch that triggered the alert.

Once the change has been reverted and deployed, the error rate will decrease, and eventually the alert will stop firing. Once this has happened, the Alertmanager will send another message to the configured Slack webhook to state that the error has been resolved.


This branch contains an optional change to show how you can modify your Helm chart to be scraped using Kubernetes service discovery.

If you are running Prometheus in Kubernetes alongside your application, you can modify your service definition to add an annotation to use service discovery. With this annotation, Prometheus will add your service as a target, and will scrape it.


Demo code for JOTB 2018







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