An HAProxy for load balancing Kubernetes endpoints. Particularly useful for running Kubernetes on Mesos/Mesosphere DCOS. This is because in a Kubernetes cluster the endpoint ports and IP addresses may change for a service.
This proxy will monitor the endpoint for changes in etcd and update HAProxy with the new endpoints.
Given the following service in Kubernetes, we will run the proxy container with the options below.
- ETCD_SCHEME - etcd connection scheme (http)
- ETCD_HOST - etcd host (leader.mesos)
- ETCD_PORT - etcd port (4001)
- KUBERNETES_ENDPOINT - Kubernetes endpoint id or service id
- HAPROXY_HEALTH_CHECK_PATH - Optional path for checking if an endpoint upstream is available.
"id": "pandora-nginx",
"kind": "Service",
"apiVersion": "v1beta1",
"port": 80,
"containerPort": 80,
"selector": {
"name": "pandora-nginx"
"labels": { "name": "pandora-nginx" }
docker run -e "ETCD_HOST=leader.mesos" \
-e "ETCD_PORT=4001" \
-e "KUBERNETES_ENDPOINT=pandora-nginx" \
-e "HAPROXY_HEALTH_CHECK_PATH=/robots.txt" \
-p 80:80 \
Requests should then be routed through the proxy to the endpoint.