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Pre requirements

Joep Lijnen edited this page Oct 19, 2022 · 4 revisions

Clone this repository

Of course you'll need a local copy of the emulator's code to be able to run it. Downloading a ZIP of the repository won't be enough as there's submodules required for the emulator to work. Use your favourite GIT client and checkout the repository + all the submodules under the Server folder.

(Note: as of 2022-10-19 you currently will need to use SSH to clone from git in order to properly get the submodules donwloaded succesfully; by running e.g. git clone --recursive [email protected]:Almamu/EVESharp.git also You will need to generate local ssh keys and add them to your github settings for this to work. )

Static data dump database files

Thankfully CCP provides official database dumps of their static data. This data has proven to be very useful for the emulator's development. Each release corresponds with different patch versions. The last compatible release with EVESharp can be downloaded from here

On top of this file, EVESharp requires a table with precalculated jump distances between solar systems for it to work. This file can be obtained here or can be generated using the script under Tools/precalculateSolarSystemJumps.

EVE Online client

The EVESharp server is compatible with EVE Online Aprocrypha 6.14.101786 which can be downloaded from here


In order to be able to modify the game files to connect to any IP address the blue.dll file has to be patched to ignore the checksum checks done. There is an automatic patcher that automatically removes these checks. It can be downloaded from here

Database server installation

The server makes use of a MariaDB database, this requires specific software to be installed. Depending on the OS you are going to run the servers on there are different options. Take in mind that the minimum database server version required is MariaDB 10.5 and is the only one currently validated for operation. For more information and downloads go here.

It's important to have these files accessible as they will be required on the project's setup and configuration.

To perform the actual setup go to the next step.