This framework is mainly created for installing and using custom channels in Apteco Orbit and PeopleStage. The channel implementations are written in PowerShell and already implemented as "Plugins" in this module. But there is a function implemented so you can refer to your own channels that are not getting overwritten if you update this module. The development of this module is done here, but it is published through PowerShell Gallery.
Type | Vendor | API name | Technology | Features |
CleverReach | v3 | REST | Tagging, Upload, Broadcast-Preparation, Broadcast, Receiver- and Response-Download | |
CRM | SalesForce SalesCloud | REST/Bulk API | REST | Load CRM Data, Upload to CampaignMembers |
CRM | Hubspot | CRM API v3 | REST | Download all CRM object data full/delta, Upload to Marketing Lists |
CRM | Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM | DataVerse oData WebAPI | REST | Download all CRM object data and picklists full/delta |
emarsys (An SAP Company) | Emarsys Core API | REST | Adding Lists and Contacts, get lists, campaigns, fields, contact data | |
ActiveCampaign | REST | Still under development | ||
Apteco email | REST | Get lists and contacts on that list | ||
CRM | Fundraising Box | REST | Get contacts, donations, projects and much more to build a system |
This has been put into the wiki:
But this is the Quickstart
Install-Module WriteLog
Install-Script Install-Dependencies, Import-Dependencies
Install-Module AptecoPSFramework
Import-Module AptecoPSFramework
After the installation you are reade to use this module and create a settings json file and connect that with your Apteco system. So please import your module like
Import-Module AptecoPSFramework -Verbose
If you get error messages during the import, that is normal, because there are modules missing yet. They need to be installed with Install-AptecoPSFramework
Please go ahead to a directory where the script files should be placed like D:\Scripts\AptecoPSFramework
. Then you can now start the installation
Install-AptecoPSFramework -Verbose
This command installs dependencies like scripts, modules and nuget packages. After installing the dependencies it copies a "Boilerplate" into your current directory and gives you more hints about how to connect this "Boilerplate" with a PeopleStage PowerShell channel.
Now you should find a create_settings.ps1
file in your boilerplate folder. Please execute this one to create a new settings.json
file with
. .\create_settings.ps1
You are able to use already integrated plugins, but can also develop your own plugins and load it via this module and use the already existing framework with logging, error handling, encryption and much more comfort. The idea is to have a settings.json
which can also have a different name. That file contains all information to drive the module and integration with Apteco. You can have as many settings files for the same or different plugins as you want.
Please consider to create a channel multiple times, e.g. for every table level.
The first target is to create your settings json file, because that contains all the information that the module needs for being triggered by PeopleStage. In the boiletplate you can find a rough example of how to create that file. But specific for the chosen plugins you can set more or less parameters. They can be changed through that create_settings.ps1
script or later in your json file. It depends on how often you change the settings json file. This path to the settings file json needs to be exchanged in the channel editor settings in the integration parameter. This needs to be an absolute path.
Tool tip: If you want to visualise (and edit) the JSON, this tool can help:
Import-Module "AptecoPSFramework"
$plugin = @(, (get-plugins | Select guid, name, version, update, path | Out-GridView -PassThru ))
If ($plugin.count -gt 1) {
Write-Host "Sorry, you have chosen more than 1 plugin"
exit 1
} elseif ( $plugin.count -eq 0 ) {
Write-Host "Sorry, you have chosen less than 1 plugin"
exit 1
Import-Plugin -guid $plugin.guid
$settings = Get-settings
#$settings.pluginGuid = $plugin.guid
$settings.logfile = ".\file.log"
# Specific for CleverReach just as an example, it is commented out currently
$settings.token.tokenUsage = "consume"
$settings.token.tokenFilePath = "D:\Scripts\CleverReach\check-token\cr.token"
Set-Settings -PSCustom $settings
Export-Settings -Path ".\settings.yaml"
These steps are needed
- Get a copy of the demo plugin as a template or get another plugin from this modules folder
- Open the
and exchange the guid with a new random one like[guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
- Go through the different files and change the code. Please be aware to not touch the functions names in the
Please have a look at the Demo channel as a kind of template/boilerplate to start with. The guid needs to be changed in the Plugin.ps1
to allow loading the plugin, but that is explained later.
Please note that the plugin that gets dynamically created when calling import-plugin
, a copy of the internal variables is used. So after import-plugin
all changes in the imported module don't have an effect to the dynamic plugin.
Please think about a pull request if you want to add more integrations into this repository
The structure for the plugin folder should look like this
Mandatory | Folder | Filename | Description |
yes | . | | Description about this plugin |
yes | . | Plugin.ps1 | Metadata about the plugin. The filename should always be Plugin.ps1 . If you create a new plugin, the guid needs to be recreated. Output a new guid with [guid]::newGuid().toString() |
yes | ./settings | defaultsettings.ps1 | These settings are plugin dependent and will be merged with the overall settings |
no | ./public/setup | install-plugin.ps1 | This script does a plugin dependent installation |
no | ./public/peoplestage | test-login.ps1 | Script to test the login via channel editor |
yes | ./public/peoplestage | get-messages.ps1 | Script to load messages |
no | ./public/peoplestage | get-groups.ps1 | Script to load groups or lists |
yes | ./public/peoplestage | invoke-upload.ps1 | Script to upload records into a group or list |
no | ./public/peoplestage | invoke-broadcast.ps1 | Script to trigger/broadcast a message (not needed for "upload only") |
no | ./public/peoplestage | show-preview.ps1 | Script to render a message as html |
Generally the private
folder is for internal functions that are used by the plugin, but are not usable in your PowerShell session. The public
folders functions are exported to your sessions, which means you can use them as CmdLets automatically after the plugin has been loaded.
You do not need to put the plugin back to the modules folders, otherwise it can be deleted or overwritten with an update. Use this command to define your own plugins root directory after Import-Module AptecoPSFramework
Add-PluginFolder -Folder "C:\temp\plugins"
After you have added the directory and re-registered all plugins you should see a combination of the default plugins and your new developed one with
After you have seen the list of plugins there are multiple ways to choose one manually with an Get-Plugins | Out-GridView -PassThrough
or just copy the guid. Choose the plugin for the module with something similar like
Import-Plugin -guid "07f5de5b-1c83-4300-8f17-063a5fdec901"
There are default functionalities per plugin like get-messages
, invoke-upload
etc. But there are maybe more functionalities that could be useful. To use this you can find in the Plugin.ps1
a class, that is automatically loaded into the module, when importing the plugin. So you could do something like
Import-Module AptecoPSFramework -Verbose
Set-DebugMode -DebugMode $true # Not necessarily needed, only for testing purposes
Import-Settings -Path ".\settings.json" # The plugin gets automatically loaded from the json file
# Now you can execute plugin specific commands you can see with
Get-Module | Format-List
# And get a result like
Name : AptecoPSFramework
Path : D:\Scripts\PSModules\AptecoPSFramework\AptecoPSFramework.psm1
Description : Apteco PS Modules - Framework
ModuleType : Script
Version : 0.0.1
NestedModules : {WriteLog, MeasureRows, EncryptCredential, ExtendFunction...}
ExportedFunctions : {Add-PluginFolder, Export-Settings, Get-Debug, Get-Plugin...}
ExportedCmdlets :
ExportedVariables :
ExportedAliases :
Name : Invoke CleverReach
Path : D:\scripts\CleverReach\PSCleverReachModule\f5c74d5e-a3db-46d9-a0f4-51edf2a79e6b
Description :
ModuleType : Script
Version : 0.0
NestedModules : {WriteLog, MeasureRows, EncryptCredential, ExtendFunction...}
ExportedFunctions : {Get-Groups, Get-Messages, Invoke-Broadcast, Invoke-Upload...}
ExportedCmdlets :
ExportedVariables :
ExportedAliases :
# Here is another example to list all functions
get-module | where { $_.Name -like "Invoke*" } | Select Name -ExpandProperty ExportedFunctions
# Which generates this output
Key Value
--- -----
Get-Groups Get-Groups
Get-Messages Get-Messages
Invoke-Broadcast Invoke-Broadcast
Invoke-Upload Invoke-Upload
Show-Preview Show-Preview
Test-Login Test-Login
Test-Send Test-Send
Since version 0.3.0
this module integrates DuckDB out-of-the-box, if you run Install-AptecoPSFramework
. This downloads a few modules into a local "lib" folder.
This folder should be the folder, where you put your settings json/yaml files.
This is a quick start example to use DuckDB
# this should be the place where you have your json/yaml settings files and your lib folder
Set-Location "c:\Users\MMustermann\Scripts\AptecoPSFramework"
# Import the Framework
Import-Module AptecoPSFramework
# Load Dependencies without loading a plugin
# Loading a plugin will automatically load the packages in that folder
You should see something in the console like
WARNING: There is no variable '$processId' present on 'Script' scope. Created one with
VERBOSE: ----------------------------------------------------
VERBOSE: Using PowerShell version 5.1.22621.3672 and Desktop edition
VERBOSE: Using OS: Windows
VERBOSE: User: 9709FBAA-7534-4\WDAGUtilityAccount
VERBOSE: Elevated: True
VERBOSE: Loaded 0 modules
VERBOSE: Loading libs...
VERBOSE: There are 3 packages to load
VERBOSE: Load status:
VERBOSE: Modules loaded: 0
VERBOSE: Lib/ref loaded: 3
VERBOSE: Lib/ref failed: 0
VERBOSE: Runtime loaded: 1
VERBOSE: Runtime failed: 0
# Open the connection to the default DuckDB database
# You can also use Add-DuckDBConnection for more connections, but Open-DuckDBConnection
# will add the default connection from settings automatically
# Perform a simple scalar query, which returns just a number
Read-DuckDBQueryAsScalar -Query "Select 10+15"
# Should return 25
# Perform a more advanced example to load a remote parquet file and query it in one go
$q = "CREATE TABLE train_services AS FROM 's3://duckdb-blobs/train_services.parquet';SELECT * FROM train_services LIMIT 10;"
Read-DuckDBQueryAsReader $q -ReturnAsPSCustom | ft
# Instead of the combined command you could do it also separately
Invoke-DuckDBQueryAsNonExecute -Query "CREATE TABLE train_services AS FROM 's3://duckdb-blobs/train_services.parquet'"
Read-DuckDBQueryAsReader -Query "SELECT * FROM train_services LIMIT 10" -ReturnAsPSCustom | ft
# To stream data of a bigger resultset, you should add the -AsStream switch like
Read-DuckDBQueryAsReader -Query "SELECT * FROM train_services LIMIT 10" -ReturnAsPSCustom -AsStream
# Close default connection
To do something directly with a sqlite database (instead of attaching it in the query), you can do something like this
# Make sure you have the sqlite extension installed
Invoke-DuckDBQueryAsNonExecute -Query "INSTALL sqlite"
# Add a sqlite database directly in the connection string
Add-DuckDBConnection -Name "Aachen" -ConnectionString "DataSource=C:\Users\WDAGUtilityAccount\Downloads\ac.sqlite;ACCESS_MODE=READ_ONLY"
# Open the database connection
Open-DuckDBConnection -Name "Aachen"
# Show first 10 rows of the table and show as Out-GridView
Read-DuckDBQueryAsReader -Query "SELECT * FROM ac LIMIT 10" -ReturnAsPSCustom -ConnectionName "Aachen" | Out-GridView
# Close connection
Close-DuckDBConnection -Name "Aachen"
You can influence the database (default in-memory, but could also be a persistent one) by changing your settings at defaultDuckDBConnection
Be aware that when Orbit/PeopleStage are calling PowerShell, this is currently 32bit and DuckDB is 64bit only. For this case you can put
another parameter in your IntegrationParameters
in your channel to enforce 64bit. To do this, this parameter needs to be defined like
or similar.
To find out more about the csv file and their columns, you could do
Import-Module AptecoPSFramework
Import-Settings ".\inx.yaml"
# Count the rows in a file
$c = Read-DuckDBQueryAsScalar -Query "Select count(*) from read_csv('.\test.txt', sample_size=1000, delim='\t')"
# This query then trys to find out more about the csv file like the delimiter, headers, date formats, column data types and much more
# The delimiter does not need to be defined explicitely, it expects UTF-8
$c = Read-DuckDBQueryAsReader -Query "Select * from sniff_csv('.\test.txt', sample_size=1000, delim='\t') limit 10" -ReturnAsPSCustom
When you get this error
PS C:\Users\Administrator> find-module aptecopsframework -IncludeDependencies -AllVersions
Der Wert "0.0.17-alpha" kann nicht in den Typ "System.Version" konvertiert werden. Fehler: "Die Eingabezeichenfolge
hat das falsche Format."
Please install a newer version of PowerShellGet
Install-Module PowerShellGet -Force -AllowClobber
Please restart your FastStats service if you have problems after an update.
This should not happen, but shows that your PSModulePath cannot be loaded properly from C# runspaces.
To manually fix this, just add C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules
to the system environment variable PSModulePath
There is a script missing to install other dependencies. To solve this, simply run
Install-Script Install-Dependencies
open a new PowerShell window and after that you can proceed with your installation like
Import-Module AptecoPSFramework
Since 0.3.0 there is DuckDB integrated in this framework. If you have problems to get it work like
Import-Module AptecoPSFramework
and it fails with something like
PS C:\Users\WDAGUtilityAccount> Open-DuckDBConnection
Exception calling "Open" with "0" argument(s): "The type initializer for
'DuckDB.NET.Data.DuckDBConnectionStringBuilder' threw an exception."
At C:\Users\WDAGUtilityAccount\Downloads\AptecoPSFramework\public\duckdb\Open-DuckDBConnection.ps1:18 char:13
+ $Script:duckDb.Open()
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : TypeInitializationException
then you need to install the newest version of vcredist
The direct permalink is:
If you already have installed the AptecoPSFramework, make sure to re-install the dependencies in your settings file directory with Install-AptecoPSFramework
This message could be slightly different. But this results from an older 32 bit package of Packagemanagement
that comes with Windows. And that one is outdated and not supported by this Framework. Make sure you have a newer version available. Best is to open a PowerShell as Administrator and install it via Install-Module "PackageManagement" -Scope AllUsers
. Or update an existing one with Update-Module PackageManagement
. Because when PowerShell is called via C#, it can load the older PackageManagement. You can safely remove it from C:\Program Files (x86)\WindowsPowerShell\Modules
. The new installed one should be in C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules