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@gitfvb gitfvb released this 10 Jun 16:40
· 56 commits to main since this release

Apteco email support

Now that you can use Apteco email to send out marketing and transactional emails, you maybe need something to pull your subscription information back into your Apteco system. This is one possibility to load and transform the data. More information can be found here:

DuckDB support

Recently DuckDB has released version 1.0 and it really is a great addition to handle data like a "swiss knife". You can query directly on json or csv files, can rewrite files. Connected to sql databases you can join data amazing fast and support a lot of useful functions and great flexibility.

Besides the support in Apteco FastStats Designer this is now supported by this Framework out-of-the-box. This also allows you to script some nice things like data enrichment and transformation before Designer starts or the extraction phase is finished.

Be aware that DuckDB is 64bit. If a plugin uses it then you need to enforce 64bit with a new flag called Force64bit=true in the integration parameters of your upstream channel.

You can find more information here:


If you want to install the framework from scratch, please follow the instructions here:


To update the framework we recommend to open a new PowerShell window as admistrator. Then execute

# Update the module
Update-Module AptecoPSFramework

# Go to your location where you have your current settings.json or settings.yaml file
Set-Location "D:\Scripts\AptecoPSFramework\CleverReach"

# Update other dependencies
Import-Module AptecoPSFramework

Optionally: To use newer setting parameters like the ones for DuckDB, please open a new PowerShell window with the users that services/scripts are using and execute something like

# Go to your location where you have your current settings.json or settings.yaml file
Set-Location "D:\Scripts\AptecoPSFramework\CleverReach"

# Import Module and load your settings
Import-Module AptecoPSFramework

# Load your settings
# or alternatively settings.yaml or cleverreach.yaml or how your settings file is called
Import-Settings ".\settings.json"

# Export them directly in the original file
# The file won't be overwritten, it will be renamed and a new file will be created
Export-Settings ".\settings.json"

Full list of changes

  • Feature: Adding DuckDB as dependencies to the framework by default so the campaign file can be read (and written) through DuckDB query more effectively than through a .NET streamreader or streamwriter when you want to transform the file if you already have installed the AptecoPSFramework, make sure to re-install the dependencies in your settings file directory with Install-AptecoPSFramework
  • Feature: Fixed the installation script to also install local and global packages
  • Feature: Adding a default protocol handler that is recommended by Microsoft, if setting the setting changeTLS to false
  • Feature: Added some hints about DuckDB in the
  • Feature: Added a better handling for lib folder with other names or other paths than the default
  • Feature: Added DuckDB functions to read data as pscustom or execute a scalar query
  • Feature: DuckDB will be loaded automatically when plugin is loaded, otherwise you can use the function Import-Lib
  • Fix: Added a where-object for CleverReach when not using additional parameters like proxy etc.
  • Fix: Special characters are getting removed vom CleverReach mailing and group names via Regex [^\w\s]

Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.3.0