Added: Installer ! 😃
Checks and Installs/Updates the Software Requirements (.NET 7 Runtime, Mobiflight Event Module).
Has the Ability to configure MSFS or FSUIPC to Auto-Start Fenix2GSX, if selected (it can update existing Entries to the new Location!).
Before you ask: No, the Install-Location can not be changed. It's for the Better to have it that Way.
Changed: Configuration will not be reseted anymore with Updates (this is the hopefully the last Time you have to configure them after an Update 🤞).
Removed: The "-path" Commandline Parameter no long exists (not needed with a fixed Install-Location).
Changed: The Volume Control Feature now controls all Audio Session of an App (on all Devices).
For Example: If an App has a Session on your Headphone and Speakers, both will be changed in Volume and/or are muted in parallel.
Added: Option/Feature to disable Operator Selection globally , so Users with Operator-OCD can select it manually. 😝
Note that his will delay subsequent Service-Calls by 10 Seconds, since Fenix2GSX can't know if and when you select something manually.
And make sure you select something!
Added: The automatic Operator Selection now also works on Taxi-In when Preselecting your Gate.
Added: The Follow-Me Question (when Preselecting your Gate on Taxi-In) can now be skipped (is answered with 'No').
The Option defaults to being disabled! So enable it in the GUI if you want to have that.
You still can request a Follow-Me in the GSX Menu afterwards, if needed.
Changed: Options that auto-answer GSX Questions (Crew De/Boarding, Operator Selection, Follow-Me) are now grouped together in the GUI
Fixed: In- and Out-Times incorrectly formatted (e.g. 15:07Z would become 15:7Z)
Changed: Using SimVar "PLANE IN PARKING STATE" additionally to detect when a Session was started/ended.
Fixed: GUI not displaying the Connection State correctly when ending a Session (returning to the Main Menu)
Fixed: First Letter of Log-Messages (in the GUI) being cutoff
Updated Libraries
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