Releases: Fragtality/Fenix2GSX
Releases · Fragtality/Fenix2GSX
- Fixed: Cargo Doors not opening/closing on Turn-Around
- Improved: Cargo Door Handling
- By Default they will be closed when Cargo/Baggage Loading finished (reaching 100%) and the Loaders leave their Position.
- You can enable in the GUI to leave them open until the De/Boarding Service is finished (depending on the Situation, hanging open for Minutes without a Loader attached)
- Fixed/Improved: Current FOB is now saved only on Engine Shutdown on Arrival. This Feature (saving/restoring last FOB) is now also configurable in the GUI.
- Added: Option (default Enabled) to prevent Refuel Service to be called when current FOB is equal/higher than planned FOB (allowing Tankering)
- Added: Option (default Enabled) to automatically Answer the Fenix Cabin Call
- Added: The Behavior to close Doors on Final LS is now configurable in the GUI
- Loadsheet Functionality somewhat restored
- Final will be send again after Boarding, allowing Sync in the Perf Calculator (external Devices might need to refresh the Page)
- Prelim will not be send in Advance, it will come together with the Final
- The last FOB (after Touchdown) is now saved and will be applied on Startup again. This is across all Variants and Liveries.
- Fixed Cargo Doors not closing after Deboard
- Found Workaround for EFB Bug on Turn-Around (not resetting the State properly when importing a new OFP)
- This is done by resetting the EFB after Deboarding. So wait until importing the next OFP until you see that the EFB was resetted!
- Some Improvements on Log Messages
- Now also works for IAE equipped Aircrafts 😅
- Door Handling for Stairs added
- Stairs removed again after Boarding, Option now configurable in the GUI
- You will not receive any Loadsheets currently when using Fenix2GSX and have to enter the TOW & CG manually in the Perf Calculator!
- Remember to disable all GSX Options in the EFB!
Initial Compatibility Update for Block 2!
I have not yet fully tested it, but with this Update Fenix2GSX should be usable again
- Disable all GSX Options in the EFB (on top of that what is documented in the Readme). This only works as a "standalone" Solution for now (=everything is still done by Fenix2GSX)
- Loadsheets are INOP. That also means the Sync Button in the Perf Calculator does not work (enter TOW & CG manually). Did not find a Way to trigger them - I hope to find a Solution.
- Remember the PA Knob is now used by the Fenix itself - if you map an Application to that, both the Cabin-Announcements and the mapped Application will be controlled.
- The By-Pass Pin Option does not exist anymore. It is handled by Fenix now :)
General Changes apart from Updating:
- Boarding Delay is not needed anymore - Catering/Boarding are called directly when the Truck leaves (State goes from 5 to 1). It is reset to 0 Seconds on first Run in your Configuration File. You can then still increase it afterwards again, if you want to delay the next Service after Refuel further!
- Improved Exception Handling on Audio Devices: Devices which cause Problems can now be easier identified in the Log (Messages) - you still need to add it manually to ignoreDevice (or use another Workaround)
- Added: Check to prevent the App being started multiple Times
- Libraries Updated
- Added: Button to remove the App (this includes the Configuration and MSFS/FSUIPC Auto-Start Entries)
- Added: Option to remove any Auto-Start Entries in MSFS/FSUIPC
- Changed: Either Auto-Start Option now removes Entries from the other one (e.g. selecting MSFS will remove the Auto-Start from FSUIPC and vice-versa)
- Changed: FSUIPC Auto-Start Entries are now using "CLOSE" instead of "KILL" (if you use FSUIPC for Auto-Start, select 'Auto-Start with FSUIPC' when Updating!)
- Changed/Fixed: Detection of .NET Runtime Version
- Fixed: Exception when setting up FSUIPC Auto-Start (when the Configuration contains only "Run" Entries or having an empty [Programs] Section)
- Fixed a possible "Reposition Loop" on Situations/slow Systems where GSX never got the Menu Request
- Added an hidden/advanced Option to ignore Menu-Checks during Reposition (for Situations/Systems where the Menu File can't evaluated, resulting in a "Reposition Loop")
- Updated CEF Library
- Installer
- Updated: NET Desktop Runtime Dependency updated to 7.0.14 (will be updated by the Installer if lower)
- Improved: FSUIPC Auto-Start for new "CONNECTED" Parameter in Version FSUIPC 7.4.0
- Fixed: MSFS Auto-Start creating an inop exe.xml when an existing Fenix2GSX Entry with ManualLoad Element was updated
- Fixed: Installer not detecting FSUIPC Beta as newer
- Fenix2GSX
- Fixed: Follow-Me Question not answered sometimes
- Fixed: Operator was selected by Fenix2GSX although disabled
- Fixed/Improved: Checking for Operator-Selection when Fuel-Truck is called
- Improved: Skipping the Push-Back Question with "Yes" can now be disabled (in General and in the GUI)
- Improved: Switching from Flight to Taxi-In State is now faster
- Improved: Fenix2GSX opens the GSX Menu after certain Selections to update/synch the Menu-File to the current State (so that other Tools reading that File have the correct View/State)
- Improved: Menu-Handling was optimized/refactored
- Updated: Libraries & SDK
- Added: Installer! 😃
- Checks and Installs/Updates the Software Requirements (.NET 7 Runtime, Mobiflight Event Module).
- Has the Ability to configure MSFS or FSUIPC to Auto-Start Fenix2GSX, if selected (it can update existing Entries to the new Location!).
- Before you ask: No, the Install-Location can not be changed. It's for the Better to have it that Way.
- Changed: Configuration will not be reseted anymore with Updates (this is the hopefully the last Time you have to configure them after an Update 🤞).
- Removed: The "-path" Commandline Parameter no long exists (not needed with a fixed Install-Location).
- Changed: The Volume Control Feature now controls all Audio Session of an App (on all Devices).
- For Example: If an App has a Session on your Headphone and Speakers, both will be changed in Volume and/or are muted in parallel.
- Added: Option/Feature to disable Operator Selection globally, so Users with Operator-OCD can select it manually. 😝
- Note that his will delay subsequent Service-Calls by 10 Seconds, since Fenix2GSX can't know if and when you select something manually.
- And make sure you select something!
- Added: The automatic Operator Selection now also works on Taxi-In when Preselecting your Gate.
- Added: The Follow-Me Question (when Preselecting your Gate on Taxi-In) can now be skipped (is answered with 'No').
- The Option defaults to being disabled! So enable it in the GUI if you want to have that.
- You still can request a Follow-Me in the GSX Menu afterwards, if needed.
- Changed: Options that auto-answer GSX Questions (Crew De/Boarding, Operator Selection, Follow-Me) are now grouped together in the GUI
- Fixed: In- and Out-Times incorrectly formatted (e.g. 15:07Z would become 15:7Z)
- Changed: Using SimVar "PLANE IN PARKING STATE" additionally to detect when a Session was started/ended.
- Fixed: GUI not displaying the Connection State correctly when ending a Session (returning to the Main Menu)
- Fixed: First Letter of Log-Messages (in the GUI) being cutoff
- Updated Libraries
- Fix: Changed the Detection of the Pushback Question
- Fix: Only 14 Passenger boarded when Boarding was requested manually through the GSX Menu
- Change: UI-Layout changed, now being wider than taller (so should fit on 1080p Screens)
- Added: Connection Status now shows Flight State and (raw) GSX Values
- Added: Advanced Configuration Parameter to delay start of the Service Loop
- Added: Options in the Systray-Menu to Restart Fenix2GSX with or without GSX
- Fix: Some Typos
- Change: Updated Libraries