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GSOC 2013 Razequl Islam R12

Khondoker Md. Razequl Islam edited this page Sep 7, 2013 · 1 revision


  • Add some test cases to test using input from file.
  • Integrate the engine with pgrouting.

Tasks Done

I have added tested the code with some test case. I have added one benchmark test. My implementation is giving the correct answer, but it is not as optimal as the best known result. For example with the added test the best known result can serve all the customer using 15 vehicles where my algorithm needs 18. There are scopes of updating my solution, but I have started to integrate it with pgRouting as this is higher priority. Once it is done, I can review and improve the algorithm.

Next Week Plan

  • Complete integration with pgRouting.


  • I will communicate with my mentors to find out the best way to integrate it with pgRouting.
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