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Translations Working with small strings

cvvergara edited this page Sep 26, 2013 · 6 revisions

Choose the small files first.

For "small" I mean the ones that have very few strings to be translated. That will start building up a bank of translated strings that can be used in larger files. To detect a "small" file go to the list of [resources] ( and choose a file with few words or few strings.

Use "translate" button

The "translate button" comes quite handy, you still have to check the translation, and there is an "undo" button if you think that its better for you to type the translation than to modify the machine's translation.

Don't use "translate" button on stand alone references like

en:  :ref:`sample`
ja:  :ref:`サンプル`    <--- wrong

Use a "suggestion"

When you work with transifex it builds up a translated string bank and it will show one or more suggestions. If the suggestion is very close to what is needed, use it, and change the translation to the final translation of the string. Example:

en:              :ref:`pgr_astar<pgr_astar>` - Shortest Path A*
Use suggestion:   pgr_astar - A*アルゴリズムを用いた最短経路探索
Modify to:       :ref:`pgr_astar<pgr_astar>` - A*アルゴリズムを用いた最短経路探索

Use "copy button"

Copy the the stand alone references like

en:  :ref:`sample`
ja:  :ref:`sample`

Type a translation

You can just type your translation.

Go to the next string

When you finished translating the string press "tab", that way it get's saved, if you click to a different string, maybe because the next string is already translated, then it won't be saved (green/white stripes).

Save your translation

Make sure all strings using the "Save all unsaved translations" button.

  • [Check your work](Translation Check your work)
  • [Troubleshooting](Translation troubleshooting)
  • Translation Process
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