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VRP Pickup Delivery Problem

Manikanta edited this page Mar 11, 2014 · 24 revisions

VRP-PDPTW : (Pickup and Delivery Problem with Time Windows)

Basic Idea :

The pickup and Delivery problem with Time Windows requires that a group of vehicles satisfy a collecton of customer requests. Each customer request requires the use of a single vehicle both to load a specified amount of goods at one location and to deliver them to another location. All requests must be performed without violating either the vehicle capacity or the customer time window stipulated at each location.

Tabu Search :

It uses a local or neighborhood search procedure to iteratively move from one potential solution x to an improved solution x' in the neighborhood of x, until some stopping criterion has been satisfied (generally, an attempt limit or a score threshold).

Reactive TABU Search :

It is a robust search technique that enhances classical tabu search by allowing the algorithm to automatically adjust the search parameters based on the state and quality of the search. It enables the algorithm to choose strategies and parameter values at each iteration.

Algorithm :

  1. The feasible initial solution

  2. Move neighborhoods (Total-3)

    (1) SPI - Single paired Insertions.

    (2) SBR - Swapping between routes.

    (3) WRI - Within Route insertion.

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