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Releases: ImpulseAdventure/GUIslice-Builder

Release 0.17.b40

23 Feb 21:35
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Bug Fixes for 0.17.b40

A bug in the Text Model has been fixed. The bug caused generated code for text fields
to set gslc_ElemSetFillEn(&m_gui,pElemRef,false); (basically claiming the text field is transparent).
This was forcing full page refreshes to occur on each update loop.

Release 0.17.b39

20 Feb 14:43
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Bug Fixes for 0.17.b39

  • Bug Fix 278 - GuiSlice builder 0.17.b38 - Text problem

The new feature "Text is a Variable?" support that nadjet09 added has caused some confusion amoung our users.
It's caused users to actually place quotes inside the text string while laying out their UI.
They do this because if "Text is a Variable?"=true they get compiler errors for undefined variable.

In an effort to clear things up it's been changed to ""Wrap Quotes around text?"
with a default of true since its very rare for users to need variables or defines to set text.
Now if users set this value to false a WARNING message will also popup:

WARNING: Turning this to false
means no quotes will be output
during code generation.
Are you sure?

I Have also renamed the windows setup exe to drop the current version number at the end.
So now it will always be builder-win.exe this is because every time I run a new version
Norton anti-virus makes me play twenty questions with it before I can actually do a new install.
Hopefully I will only have to this once now...

Release 0.17b38

09 Feb 18:00
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Enhancements for 0.17.b38

nadjet09 Completed "Text is a Variable?" support. This will let user choose to output text
with or without quotation marks "" inside a Text Element if they have the text already predefined.
Also, in the TextButton with text as variable.

Enhancements & Bug Fixes for 0.17.b37

  • Bug Fix 280 - Cannot rename a page

  • Bug Fix 273 - About menu showing incorrect version number.

  • Issue 278 - Reduce number of backups. Added switch inside edit->options->general tab "Auto Backup Files?" to turn off backups of your edits
    set to false. Don't cry to me if you lose work...

Bug Fixes for 0.17.b35

Pull Request 267 - Fix vertical line height always 1

Release 0.17.b35

05 Jun 23:29
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Bug Fixes for 0.17.b35

Pull Request 267 - Fix vertical line height always 1

Bug Fixes for 0.17.b34

Fix for problem saving and loading project options.

Enhancement for 0.17.b33

Drag and Drop of UI Elements from the RibbonBar is now supported. This allows you to place your UI pieces
where you want them to appear.

Enhancement for 0.17.b28

Thanks to the effort of etet100 Andrzej the Builder now supports resizing UI Elements using your mouse. You simply need to click on the UI Element and then place your cursor over one of the red handles and drag while holding down your left mouse button.

The View pull-down and View\Editor panel now has Zoom Reset and SNAP TO GRID.

For further details check out sections 2.3 Creating your UI and 3.1 Main Parts/View Band of our User Guide.

Enhancements for 0.17.b27

Upgraded to FlatLaf 3.3 and Java 18 and added better support for MacOS.

Release 0.17.b34

03 Jun 19:06
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Bug Fixes for 0.17.b34

Fix for problem saving and loading project options.

Enhancement for 0.17.b33

Drag and Drop of UI Elements from the RibbonBar is now supported. This allows you to place your UI pieces
where you want them to appear.

Enhancement for 0.17.b28

Thanks to the effort of etet100 Andrzej the Builder now supports resizing UI Elements using your mouse. You simply need to click on the UI Element and then place your cursor over one of the red handles and drag while holding down your left mouse button.

The View pull-down and View\Editor panel now has Zoom Reset and SNAP TO GRID.

For further details check out sections 2.3 Creating your UI and 3.1 Main Parts/View Band of our User Guide.

Enhancements for 0.17.b27

Upgraded to FlatLaf 3.3 and Java 18 and added better support for MacOS.

Release 0.17.b29

21 May 19:08
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Enhancement for 0.17.b29

Minor UI changes to Grid.

Enhancement for 0.17.b28

Thanks to the effort of etet100 Andrzej the Builder now supports resizing UI Elements using your mouse. You simply need to click on the UI Eement and then place your cursor over one of the red handles and drag while holding down your left mouse button.

The View pull-down and View\Editor panel now has Zoom Reset and SNAP TO GRID.

For further details check out sections 2.3 Creating your UI and 3.1 Main Parts/View Band of our User Guide.

Release 0.17.b28

17 May 14:13
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Enhancement for 0.17.b28

Thanks to the effort of etet100 Andrzej the Builder now supports resizing UI Elements using your mouse. You simply need to click on the UI Eement and then place your cursor over one of the red handles and drag while holding down your left mouse button.

The View pull-down and View\Editor panel now has Zoom Reset and SNAP TO GRID.

For further details check out sections 2.3 Creating your UI and 3.1 Main Parts/View Band of our User Guide.

Release 0.17.b27

02 Feb 20:07
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Enhancements for 0.17.b27

Upgraded to FlatLaf 3.3 and Java 18 and added better support for MacOS.

Bug Fixes 0.17.b27

  • Bug Fix 250 MACOS (OSX) 13.2 - Fatal error when changing E_PROJECT OPTIONS

Release 0.17.b25

13 Oct 13:48
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Enhancements for 0.17.b25

User Guide,pdf has been updated to this release.

Added support for Chinese TFT_eSPI Smooth Font wqyMicroHei16.vlw.

Added support for Arabic fonts using TFT_eFEX library.

Arabic Fonts require using TFT_eSPI SMOOTH_FONTS (.VLW extension) and this in turn needs eFontRefType = GSLC_FONTREF_FNAME and fontRefMode = GSLC_FONTREF_MODE_1.

The following fonts are shipped with the Builder inside GUIsliceBuilder/fonts/vlw/data:

  • cairobold16.vlw
  • cairobold20.vlw
  • cairolight16.vlw
  • cairolight20.vlw
  • cairomedium16.vlw
  • cairomedium20.vlw

Generated Code Example:

  // ------------------------------------------------
  // Load Fonts
  // ------------------------------------------------
//<Load_Fonts !Start!>
    if (!gslc_FontSet(&m_gui,E_CAIROBOLD16,GSLC_FONTREF_FNAME,CAIROBOLD16_VLW,16)) { return; }
    gslc_FontSetMode(&m_gui, E_CAIROBOLD16, GSLC_FONTREF_MODE_1);
//<Load_Fonts !End!>

Release 0.17.b24

02 Jun 12:52
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Bug Fixes 0.17.b24

  • Issue 233 Using TFT_eSPI with gfx freefonts created include 'NULLFreeSans12pt7b.h'
  • Bug Fix Now the Builder tests that your enums start with a capital letter A to Z to fix compile time issues.

Enhancement for 0.17.b23

Removed edit->options tabs for Box, Text, and TextButton since now you should edit theme inside GUIsliceBuilder/templates
guislice_themes.json If you understand json syntax you can add your own theme or simply edit the GUIslice version.