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Release 0.17.b34

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@Pconti31 Pconti31 released this 03 Jun 19:06
· 32 commits to master since this release

Bug Fixes for 0.17.b34

Fix for problem saving and loading project options.

Enhancement for 0.17.b33

Drag and Drop of UI Elements from the RibbonBar is now supported. This allows you to place your UI pieces
where you want them to appear.

Enhancement for 0.17.b28

Thanks to the effort of etet100 Andrzej the Builder now supports resizing UI Elements using your mouse. You simply need to click on the UI Element and then place your cursor over one of the red handles and drag while holding down your left mouse button.

The View pull-down and View\Editor panel now has Zoom Reset and SNAP TO GRID.

For further details check out sections 2.3 Creating your UI and 3.1 Main Parts/View Band of our User Guide.

Enhancements for 0.17.b27

Upgraded to FlatLaf 3.3 and Java 18 and added better support for MacOS.