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More precise Calculations

JochiSt edited this page Jan 12, 2017 · 1 revision

Include the right / correct device temperatures

Using just the ambient temperature

If you board is consuming only tiny power, the components on the board are not getting warm and hence the reliability is mainly driven by the ambient temperature

Using the correct device temperature

If your board is consuming a bit more power (or handling larger currents) there are two options how you can include the temperatures in the calculation.

set the device temperature in main

There is the option to set the device temperature in the code using

 setDeviceTemperature(float temp)

this will set the absolute device temperature.

use temperatures.db - database

Each component is looked up in the temperatures.db database, if the database is available. The structure of the database is rather simple and can be created via the small shell script ./ One just has to open the database and fill the right values.

 INSERT INTO Tincrease VALUES('T1100', 20);

The example above will increase the temperature of T1100 (which is the device name) by 20K above ambient temperature.

Note: Always the highest temperature is assumed to be valid for the devices temperature. Three temperatures are checked:

  • ambient temperature
  • device temperature
  • ambient temperature + temperature increase from database The highest out of these three components is used for the reliability calculation.