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Storage of data

JochiSt edited this page Jan 12, 2017 · 4 revisions

Basically this software uses various SQLite3 database files.

Texas Instruments offline data

This database consists of one single table, where all data from the TI webpage is stored. (For details have a look at Texas Instruments.

The database including the table is created once the software is compiled and run for the first time. If the database has been already created, it is opened used and if needed extended.

WÜRTH Electronics reliability data

The WÜRTH Electronics reliability data is available at WÜRTH Download Center. Unfortunately the values are only published as plots. Hence in order to use this data, you will have to digitise these plots and put them into a database. We asked WÜRTH whether we are allowed to publish the data, but they refused.

This database consists of two tables:

  1. MatchCodeMapping

    stores the mapping between MatchCode (e.g. WE-PD) and the corresponding tables (e.g. FIT table 5.1 curve A and SIGMA table 6.1 curve N)

  2. reliability_data

    stores the data digitised from the curves in the PDF-document. The data is stored in

    • table

    • curve

    • temperature

    • value

    • date

      when has this value been updated

Device temperature increase

This database is used to store only one table Tincrease, which consists of the columns partname and deltaT. In order to create this database simply run ./ or

sqlite3 temperatures.db "CREATE TABLE Tincrease (partname VARCHAR(32), deltaT float);"

and start filling the data using

INSERT INTO Tincrease VALUES('T1100', 20);