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Xsens MTi ROS Driver and Ntrip Client, modified based on the 2025 official ROS Driver and added Ntrip Client

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Xsens MTi ROS Driver and Ntrip Client

中文 (Chinese)

This code was based on the official xsens_ros_mti_driver and tested on MTi-3/7/8/MTi-630R/MTi-670G/MTi-680G with ubuntu 20.04 LTS, ROS noetic.

ROS vs ROS2 Versions

Note that this branch contains the ROS1 implementation for the packages. If you are looking for the ROS2 version, you should go to the ros2 branch

Device Settings - Output Configurations


  • For MTi-680(G), the UTC Time, PvtData needs to be enabled, in order to get GPGGA data for topic /nmea, which will be used for the Ntrip Client:
    • MT Manager - Device Settings - Output Configuration , select "UTC Time, Sample TimeFine, Status Word, Latitude and Longitude" and other required data, click "Apply",
  • or your could change the enable_deviceConfig in xsens_mti_node.yaml to true and change the pub_utctime, pub_gnss to true, then change the other desired output parameters as listed in the xsens_mti_node.yaml for the complete sensor configurations.

Here are the recommended Output Configurations and Device Settings:

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Changes made to the MTi ROS Driver:

  • Fix the fix_type of the /nmea GPGGA topic to align with NMEA standards.

  • Add:

    • +Sensor ouput configurations;
    • +Sensor Filter Settings;
    • +Setting baudrate;
    • +Setting GNSS Lever Arm for MTi-8/MTi-680(G)
    • +Setting u-Blox GNSS Platform
    • +Option Flags Settings(AHS,In-Run Compass, Beidou, OrientationSmoother, PositionVelocitySmoother, ContinousZRU);
    • +Manual Gyro Bias Estimation Periodically
    • +Add filter/euler and high rate topics for imu/acceleration_hr, imu/angular_velocity_hr
    • +Add error messages.
  • change:

    • lib/xspublic/xscontroller/iointerface.h, line 138, change to PO_OneStopBIt for PO_XsensDefaults.
    • lib/xspublic/xscommon/threading.cpp, updated to work with glibc 2.35.


The Ntrip_client subscribes to the /nmea rostopic from xsens_ros_mti_driver, and wait until it gets GPGGA data from that rostopic for maximum 300 sec, it will send GPGGA to the Ntrip Caster(Server) every 1 seconds(defined by ntrip.launch).

User needs to change the ntrip.launch for their own credentials/servers/mountpoint.

How to Install:

install dependency:

sudo apt install ros-[ROSDISTRIBUTION]-nmea-msgs
sudo apt install ros-[ROSDISTRIBUTION]-mavros-msgs

for example for ROS Noetic(use rosversion -d to get your version):

sudo apt install ros-noetic-nmea-msgs
sudo apt install ros-noetic-mavros-msgs

clone the source file to your catkin_ws, and run the code below:

cd ~/catkin_ws

Source the /devel/setup.bash file inside your catkin workspace

source ./devel/setup.bash


add it into rules:

sudo nano ~/.bashrc

At the end of the file, add the following line:

source /[PATH_TO_Your_catkin_ws]/devel/setup.bash

save the file, exit.

Note: If you don't add this source line to your ~/.bashrc, then every time you open a new terminal, you will have to firstly do source ./devel/setup.bash, otherwise you couldn't read the /status topic data.

How to Use:

change the credentials/servers/mountpoint in src/ntrip/launch/ntrip.launch to your own one.

open two terminals:

roslaunch xsens_mti_driver xsens_mti_node.launch

or with the 3D display rviz:

roslaunch xsens_mti_driver display.launch

and then

roslaunch ntrip ntrip.launch

How to confirm your RTK Status

you could check rostopic echo /rtcm, there should be HEX RTCM data coming,

or rostopic echo /status to check the RTK Fix type, it should be 1(RTK Floating) or 2(RTK Fix).

ROS Topics

topic Message Type Message Contents Data Output Rate
(Depending on Model and OutputConfigurations at MT Manager)
filter/free_acceleration geometry_msgs/Vector3Stamped free acceleration from filter, which is the acceleration in the local earth coordinate system (L) from which
the local gravity is deducted
1-400Hz(MTi-600 and MTi-100 series), 1-100Hz(MTi-1 series)
filter/positionlla geometry_msgs/Vector3Stamped filtered position output in latitude (x), longitude (y) and altitude (z) as Vector3, in WGS84 datum 1-400Hz(MTi-600 and MTi-100 series), 1-100Hz(MTi-1 series)
filter/quaternion geometry_msgs/QuaternionStamped quaternion from filter 1-400Hz(MTi-600 and MTi-100 series), 1-100Hz(MTi-1 series)
filter/euler geometry_msgs/Vector3Stamped euler(roll,pitch,yaw) from filter 1-400Hz(MTi-600 and MTi-100 series), 1-100Hz(MTi-1 series)
filter/twist geometry_msgs/TwistStamped filtered velocity and calibrated angular velocity 1-400Hz(MTi-600 and MTi-100 series), 1-100Hz(MTi-1 series)
filter/velocity geometry_msgs/Vector3Stamped filtered velocity output as Vector3 1-400Hz(MTi-600 and MTi-100 series), 1-100Hz(MTi-1 series)
gnss sensor_msgs/NavSatFix raw 4 Hz latitude, longitude, altitude and status data from GNSS receiver 4Hz
gnss_pose geometry_msgs/PoseStamped filtered position output in latitude (x), longitude (y) and altitude (z) as Vector3 in WGS84 datum, and quaternion from filter 1-400Hz(MTi-600 and MTi-100 series), 1-100Hz(MTi-1 series)
imu/acceleration geometry_msgs/Vector3Stamped calibrated acceleration 1-400Hz(MTi-600 and MTi-100 series), 1-100Hz(MTi-1 series)
imu/angular_velocity geometry_msgs/Vector3Stamped calibrated angular velocity 1-400Hz(MTi-600 and MTi-100 series), 1-100Hz(MTi-1 series)
imu/data sensor_msgs/Imu quaternion, calibrated angular velocity and acceleration 1-400Hz(MTi-600 and MTi-100 series), 1-100Hz(MTi-1 series)
imu/dq geometry_msgs/QuaternionStamped integrated angular velocity from sensor (in quaternion representation) 1-400Hz(MTi-600 and MTi-100 series), 1-100Hz(MTi-1 series)
imu/dv geometry_msgs/Vector3Stamped integrated acceleration from sensor 1-400Hz(MTi-600 and MTi-100 series), 1-100Hz(MTi-1 series)
imu/mag sensor_msgs/MagneticField calibrated magnetic field 1-100Hz
imu/time_ref sensor_msgs/TimeReference SampleTimeFine timestamp from device depending on packet
imu/utctime sensor_msgs/TimeReference UTC Time from the device depending on packet
nmea nmea_msgs/Sentence 4Hz GPGGA data from GNSS receiver PVTData(if available) and StatusWord 4Hz
pressure sensor_msgs/FluidPressure barometric pressure from device 1-100Hz
status xsens_mti_driver/XsStatusWord statusWord, 32bit depending on packet
temperature sensor_msgs/Temperature temperature from device 1-400Hz(MTi-600 and MTi-100 series), 1-100Hz(MTi-1 series)
tf geometry_msgs/TransformStamped transformed orientation 1-400Hz(MTi-600 and MTi-100 series), 1-100Hz(MTi-1 series)
imu/acceleration_hr geometry_msgs/Vector3Stamped high rate acceleration see xsens_mti_node.yaml
imu/angular_velocity_hr geometry_msgs/Vector3Stamped high rate angular velocity see xsens_mti_node.yaml

Please refer to MTi Family Reference Manual for detailed definition of data.


If the program displays the message No MTi device found:

  • For the MTi-1/600/Sirius product series, where the FTDI chip was used, try the following steps:

    sudo /sbin/modprobe ftdi_sio
    echo 2639 0300 | sudo tee /sys/bus/usb-serial/drivers/ftdi_sio/new_id

    Then, ensure you are in the dialout group:

    ls -l /dev/ttyUSB0

    If not, add yourself to the dialout group:

    sudo usermod -G dialout -a $USER

    Finally, reboot your computer:

    sudo reboot
  • For MTi-100/300/G-710 devices:

    git clone
    cd xsens_mt
    sudo make HAVE_LIBUSB=1
    sudo modprobe usbserial
    sudo insmod ./xsens_mt.ko
  • You can specify your own port and baud rate in the xsens_mti_node.yaml file:

    // change the scan_for_devices to `false` and uncomment/change the port name and baud rate to your own values (by default it is 115200, unless you have changed the value with MT Manager).
    scan_for_devices: false
    port: '/dev/ttyUSB0'
    baudrate: 115200
  • If either of the above methods works, try using cutecom to see if you can receive FA FF 36 hex messages, if not, then you could contact [email protected]:

    sudo apt install cutecom


Xsens MTi ROS Driver and Ntrip Client, modified based on the 2025 official ROS Driver and added Ntrip Client


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