Cobblemon Fight or Flight v0.7.0 (LyquidQrystal's version)
Happy new year! I'm preparing for exams these days, and it's not over yet. So let's make it quick, here comes another unofficial update for Cobblemon Fight of Flight. I'm quite busy these days and I don't have a 1.21.1 save to play for 10+ hours this time. I just tested the features in a new save for 1-2 hours and it shouldn't crash your games easily. Feel free to leave your feedback and bug reports.
This version will only be released on github as it's not an official update and rufia hasn't abandoned this project completely.
Update: Vaniron just made a new page on both curseforge and modrinth, and I joined. The updates might be released there in the future. Please pay attention that the v0.7.0 doesn't have the Pokestaff functions.(Though they are still unfinished.)
Check for the full features list if you didn't try v0.6.0 before or you want more details about these features, I will list the new features & changes since v0.6.1 below:
- Moves like earthquake that hurts all pokemon around will hurt the entities nearby when the Pokemon hits the target.(The special moves will use the melee attack, too.)
- Type effectiveness for some non-pokemon entities These effects don't strictly follow the rules of Pokemon, instead, they are more closely related to minecraft itself
- Health mechanic reworked
- Some held item will offer damage boost(type-enhancing items, Choice Specs, Choice Band, Muscle Band,Choice Glasses, Life orb)
- The sheer force will boost all moves' damage, but the move can no longer apply effects to the entities.(e.g. fire type move will no longer set the entity on fire)
- Balance change: increase the maximum damage and increased the stat requirement slightly to encourage to player to try damage-enhancing items more at the early game.
- Ball projectiles will cause an explosion when hitting something. Explosion caused by fire type moves will ignite the ground.(I personally doesn't like mob griefing, so I disabled it by default. You need to enable it manually. Sorry about that.)